Saturday, August 31, 2013

Original oil painting Bees by Karen Tarlton

What's all the buzz about?
Well it's because a couple brand new 6x6 paintings will be listing tomorrow!
Here's the first :)
Happy Friday!

Horse Paintings White Stallion Running by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Slowly coming to.... 
16 x 20 inches Oil on Canvas.  

I began working on the head of the horse first and coming down the neck in this equine painting.  I was not sure about the background colors, but decided to play them up rather than take them out. Normally I would be taking them out... I can feel the strength in the composition and for the third time painting in the past week, feel a strength in myself that has not been there in awhile.

 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts. Psalm 55:8-9

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist

Pace Studio 
Graphics One Design


"Little Nip in the Air" Original Palette Knife Landscape Horse Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

       8"x10" Palette Knife Horse Landscape Painting/SOLD

       Original Palette Knife Landscape Horse Painting

       Commissions are welcome, contact Judith at

       To see more of my work, visit

Friday, August 30, 2013

"Contrasting Beauty" Abstract, Palette Knife, Impressionistic Painting of Lavender Fields by Janet Bludau

Through my Northern California Gallery
Contrasting Beauty is a small 6" x 6" painting of the lavender fields in the Wine Country region of our state of California.  I painted a small series of these oils and there are only a few left.

Sept. 28th Registration Deadline for Paris Art Trek with Niki Gulley and Scott Williams

"Luminescent Radiance" ©2013 Niki Gulley
Two 48" x 24" canvases with one 48" x 30" canvas in the middle to form a 48" x 78" triptych
Textured oil painting on wrap around canvas

I decided it would be a fun challenge to create an extremely large painting, and I wanted the final piece to be very uplifting, colorful and full of energy. Opting for warm colors and working with extremely thick paint and palette knives, I chose this lily pond reference from our visit to Monet's Gardens in Giverny, France. The grounds were breathtaking and I could actually see his paintings come to life. I was drawn to the energetic flow and yet calming serenity in this view, and I positioned the water lilies and my paint strokes in a curving pattern to add to that mood. The morning light peeking through the distant foliage added to a sense of mystery and promise that I wanted to capture in paint, and share with you that feeling of hope.

If you would like join us on our next Plein Air Painting / Photography Workshop to Paris June 19-27, 2014 where we will be visiting Monet's Gardens, please check out for more information. Register by Sept. 28th for a $600 savings!

Other upcoming Art Treks include:
Paris, France – June 19-27, 2014
 Provence, France – June 26 – July 4, 2014
Tuscany, Italy – Sept. 5-13, 2014
Cinque Terre & Lake Como, Italy – Sept. 12-21, 2014

Or, if you would like more information on "Luminescent Radiance" please contact my Dallas gallery, American Fine Art,

E-mail Niki Gulley for more information.

Or, visit to see more of my contemporary landscape paintings.

Abstract Landscape, Palette Knife Painting, "DAY IS DONE", 6x8 oil by Carol Schiff

It is early evening in the Florida marsh and the sun is just about to disappear.

90 + 6.50 in US

I snapped my photo and high-tailed it out of there before the creepy crawlies came out.

I enjoy a lot of texture in my work and find that abstraction is the perfect media to portray it.

Do you find that your goals in art change as you continue on your artistic journey?

Beginnings of a new Horse Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

16 x 20 inches Oil on Canvas. 

So I took the canvas and I created the background using Golden Acrylics.  I just chose colors I felt spiritually as I painted and then tossed in the blues for contrast to the deep oranges.  I debated on vertical or horizontal... and usually I would do this vertical but I felt the movement more in the horizontal. 

Took up charcoal and sketched in the horse.  If I was knifing I would begin moving paint on now with the knife, but I took up the brush... still on a break from knife for some pieces....see more tomorrow.

I often wonder if God ever changes 'THE PLAN' that He has for us?
I know we have a certain amount of freedom in choosing things to do in life and we certainly take 'THE PLAN" out another door pretty often.  He probably lets us hang out there in some painful growing ways more than we would like.   Not sure what it takes to fully grasp we truly need to let Him be in our lives all the time, not just in times of trouble.
That sounded like the "Let It Be' song from the Beatles.

Maybe we should just 'let it be' and let Him work.

When I said, “My foot is slipping,”
    your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.
When anxiety was great within me,
    your consolation brought me joy. Psalm 94:18-19

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist

Pace Studio 
Graphics One Design


"Prairie View" Original Palette Knife Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

      9"x12" Palette Knife Oil Landscape Painting

      Original Palette Knife Landscape Painting

      To purchase, contact Judith at

      To see more of my work, visit

      My daily blog:

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Orange Flowers Palette Knife Oil Painting by Judy Mackey

"Orange Flowers"
30" x  24" x 1.5", Oil on Canvas
Available for purchase at Muse Co and Fine Art Gallery in Roswell, GA.
If you are interested in purchasing "Orange Flower", please email me at  If you like my work, leave me a comment, share this blog with your friends and "Like" me on Facebook at Judy Mackey Artist - Thank you!!.

Original oil paintings by Karen Tarlton - France and Italy

Both 12x16
A Room with a View
Venice Magic

I will be traveling this year,
but where I'm not sure.
France, Italy, somewhere imbetween?
Mmmmm -  beautiful places :)

"Colorful Couple" Original Palette Knife Landscape Horse Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

    24"x36" Palette Knife Horse Landscape Painting

    Original Palette Knife Landscape Horse Painting

    To purchase, contact Judith at

     To see more of my work, visit

     My daily blog:

Blue Moon Wolf Contemporary Wolf Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Blue Moon Wolf 
16 x 16 inches Oil on Canvas. 

I am pretty close to done. It is hanging around and I see maybe a sweep of gold in one other spot, but I feel satisfied that I captured what I was feeling in my mind and heart. Allowing His spirit to work through me again as I did this past weekend with Water's Edge. 

God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist

Pace Studio 
Graphics One Design


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to School Bliss by Pamela Blaies

Summer Reds
6" x 12"
oil on linen

Click HERE to "like" this piece in an online painting competition!

I'm a little behind on posting my new artwork. With the "back to school" chaos going on, I have been creating, but there does not seem to be much time left over for photographing, displaying and blogging. Now that the first day of school has come and gone, I'm ready to get back to my daily routine. Here is a piece that I did a few weeks ago while on vacation in San Antonio. It has a loose, abstract-ish feel that I adore! I want to see more of this in all of my paintings.

I love to share my art and inspiration. Click HERE to sign up for my email newsletter and receive a free gift of postcards.

Upcoming Art Trek to Paris, France with Niki Gulley and Scott Williams

"Dancing on Water," Monet's Gardens, Giverny, France  ©2013 Niki Gulley
36" x 60" textured oil painting 

Sunlight sparkles across aqua blue water, diamonds of purple glitter the pond’s surface; water lilies lift their faces toward the sun and gently dance across the water.
Golden sunlight filters through the brambles and ferns, a touch of cardinal red peeks through purple and pink foliage while azure skies reflect in the water.

If you would like join us on our next Plein Air Painting / Photography Workshop to Paris June 19-27, 2014 where we will be visiting Monet's Gardens, please visit for more information. Register by Sept. 28th for a $600 savings!

Other upcoming Art Treks include:
Paris, France – June 19-27, 2014
 Provence, France – June 26 – July 4, 2014
Tuscany, Italy – Sept. 5-13, 2014
Cinque Terre & Lake Como, Italy – Sept. 12-21, 2014


Or, if you would like more information on "Dancing on Water" please contact my Dallas gallery, American Fine Art,

E-mail Niki Gulley for more information.

Or, visit to see more of my contemporary landscape paintings.

Wings # 5 - Sold - by Kay Wyne

Wings #5
8" x 8" Oil on RayMar Panel
Contemporary Palette Knife Painting
Sold at Dutch Art Gallery in Dallas, Texas
Thanks for looking at the art posted on
this blog.  Have a great day.....Kay

"Wait Up Amigo" Original Palette Knife Landscape Horse Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

      10x10 Palette Knife Horse Landscape Painting

      To purchase, contact Judith at

      To see more of my work, visit

       My daily blog:

Blue Moon Wolf beginnings by Contemporary Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Blue Moon Wolf in Progress 
16 x 16 inches Oil on Canvas. 

So I had this 16 x 16 canvas in the studio... just hanging out from the lake. It was covered with some texturing with paper and lots of acrylic paint wiped here and there... and then just left to wait.

It has been waiting 12 months and I finally chose it for this painting. Watch the progress today and tomorrow as I take something pretty questionable and see where I can take it.  Name Blue Moon Wolf after the Blue Moon from last night. Terry got me outside to see it. Unbelievable.

It is also unbelievable when you take your life, battered and bruised, and find the joy and life that is hidden deep inside of you. Why we choose to carry so much pain and so many burdens is beyond comprehension. Choose to find God's light inside of you. Take the best of who you are and nurture it to grow with Him. 

By day the Lord directs his love,
    at night his song is with me—
    a prayer to the God of my life. Psalm 42:8

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist

Pace Studio 
Graphics One Design


Tuesday, August 27, 2013


It is Wednesday again!  How do the weeks fly by so quickly?  Time to post another painting on sale.

Purchase Here
$55 + shipping

I love the unique shapes of barns, especially old ones, and there are lots of them in western North Carolina.
My husband was nice enough to drive me around the outskirts of Waynesville, NC ,  stopping so I could jump out and take photos of the interesting barns we would find.  When I returned home to Florida, I had enough barn photos to keep me busy through out the winter.

This one is painted primarily with a palette knife.  It has always been a favorite because of the strong values.

Originally listed at $95.95, it is already a bargin at $65.00.  But this is Wild and Wacky Wednesday, so if you purchase this painting today I WILL SEND YOU A $10.00 REFUND!  Offer good only until midnight Aug. 27, 2013.  To receive your $10.00 refund, you must state on the order WILD AND WACKY WEDNESDAY.

"Where The Poppies Roam" Original Palette Knife Poppy Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

      Original palette knife poppy landscape painting-24"x24"

      To purchase, contact Judith at

      To see more of my work, visit

       My daily blog:

Original oil painting Autumn Rainy Romance by Karen Tarlton

Autumn Rainy Romance

I love September weather and watching 
the turn of the leaves
red, gold, amber
touches of green and yellow
crisp air
and a warm embrace

DUNES V by Kim McAninch

12 x 36""
Oil on stretched canvas
with painted wrap
I am delighted- SOLD! 
An abstract view of a hot, relaxing beach.  The eye creates its own path to the water.  The palette knife strokes are refined and smooth.  It has a painted wrap and is wired and ready to hang.

  Please visit my links  to view more of my work or contact me.  I would love to hear from you.  In fact, it would make my day.  Thank you for looking.

Water's Edge Complete by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Water's Edge 
24 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas.

I think I am done with this one.  Here is a close up of the girl:

This one seem to flow from the knife as it cut across the canvas with the water, the waves and the light filtering through the young girl's dress.  Tentatively she edges to the water lapping in at her feet...

Water's Edge, Child on the Beach

So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.  Genesis 1:21

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist

Pace Studio 
Graphics One Design


Monday, August 26, 2013

Lily by Artist of Texas, Sheri Jones

6x8 oil on canvas

This is a small study I created for a larger painting I want to paint.  It is a good practice to work out the design and color.  I often use small studies to create larger pieces.  This was created with a palette knife and loads of paint. It is available for purchase.  $175.00

"Coastal Comfort" Original Palette Knife Painting by Hallie Kohn Art

This is a commissioned piece of a beach house in Virginia. I love how there seems to be a kind of glowing sky around the home. I also really like the reflections in the windows (thank you Ann Gorbett) and the detail in the front railing too; perfect thing for palette knife work.

16x16 Oil on Museum Quality 1.5" Cradled Panel

"Sunflower 2" Original Palette Knife Painting by Hallie Kohn Art

This happy sunflower was a commissioned piece to be given as a second anniversary and birthday gift. I was glad to have the opportunity to paint another one, forward facing this time, with the same bright blue sky. Hope they love it!

12x12 Oil on Museum Quality Panel

Cape Neighbors by Ann Gorbett

Cape Neighbors
12" x 24" x 2"
Oil with a palette knife on Ampersand Gessobord

To read more about this painting, visit my blog Thanks!

Autumn Love by Artist Janiene Facey

Autumn Love

23" x 18"

Acrylic on mounted canvas

Contact me at Check out more of my artwork at and  

Violets and Sunflowers by Nancy Medina

Violets and Sunflowers
by Nancy Medina
Palette Knife/Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

Violets and Sunflowers is the newest daily painting in Flower Mound Studio, with a bit of purple added to give these golden colors some pop. The pug helpers are extremely exhausted tonight. They entertained multiple guests today, who stopped by to pick up paintings and say hello. Howard in particular considers himself the official greeter, and so his duties were most exhausting. I've posted a video of Howard getting a bit of beauty rest on my art blog today. Break out the pupcorn!

Texas Hill Country Bluebonnet Oil Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley

"Traveling Together," Texas Hill Country ©2013 Niki Gulley
36" x 60" textured oil painting

Inspired by a trip to the hill country, I wanted you feel the warmth and beauty on this perfect spring day while out for a leisurely drive among the bluebonnets and Texas wildflowers. Painted with thick oil paint and palette knives to achieve extreme texture, the resulting image comes to life and is loaded with color, movement and energy.

"Traveling Together" and several of Niki's landscape oil paintings are available the Good Art Company Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX. For more information, please contact

"Trail Head" Original Palette Knife Aspen Tree Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

       28"x36" Palette Knife Landscape Painting

       Original Palette Knife Aspen Tree Landscape Painting

       To purchase, contact Judith at

       To see more of my work, visit

       My daily blog:

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