Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Original oil paintings Dance of the Hummingbirds by Karen Tarlton

Dance of the Hummingbirds 
"She was a phantom of delight
When first she gleamed upon my sight;
A lovely apparition, sent
to be a moment's ornament;
A dancing Shape, an image gay,
To haunt, to startle, and way-lay.
And yet a spirit still, and bright
With something of angelic light."

New Palette Knife Poppy Painting by Niki Gulley

"Ruby Smiles" ©2013 Niki Gulley
10" x 16" textured oil painting

I painted these cheerful poppies with extremely thick oil paint and palette knives to achieve depth and texture. The resulting image comes to life and is loaded with uplifting color, energy and movement.

To see more of Niki Gulley's textured floral paintings, please check out,

Or, e-mail Niki Gulley for more information.

Ariel ~ Koi Pond Commission by Nancy Medina

Ariel - Detail from Koi Garden Commission

Oil on Archival Panel

Ariel is a lovely lady whose mom must move away soon. I was commissioned to paint Ariel's koi garden as a gift from the family, and the painting is in progress in Flower Mound Studio this week. I incorporated green shadows into her golden tones, to change temperature in shadow areas, and pushed highlights into more pure colors where the light was striking. There is nothing better than receiving a commission from someone whose photographs are professional quality, and the images I was given to work from are stellar. What a treat it has been to dip into the deeps with golds and nature's beauty in water this week! Stay tuned to my art blog ~ I will be posting this entire painting step by step as soon as it is concluded, in just a few days.

VISTA/05 by Kim McAninch

12" x 12"
Oil on 2" Cradled Panel
For Sale
This is  the latest in my VISTA Series.
"While working within the reference of landscape, I am expanding the horizon lines and distance.  My goal is to offer more information with the avoidance of detailed descriptions, moving towards abstraction and allowing for imagination."
Please visit my blog  to view more of my work or contact me.
I would love to hear from you.  In fact, it would make my day.  

Art Show in Paris, by Noreen Coup

"Poppy Season" Original Palette Knife Abstract Poppy Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock


 8x10 Oil on Canvas/Available

 Original Palette Knife Abstract Poppy Landscape Painting

 To purchase, contact Judith at

 To see more of my work, visit

  My daily blog:

Three at the Watering Hole, Contemporary Horse Paintings by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Three at the Watering Hole 
24 x 36 inches Oil on Canvas. SOLD 

This piece sold at Mirada Fine Art last year.  The stunning reds and contrasting greens bring a depth of journey with the layers of paint. This contemporary horse painting is the second in a series of three Watering Hole Paintings.

Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night. Psalm 1:1-2

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist

Pace Studio 
Graphics One Design


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mountain View by Artist of Texas, Sheri Jones

Mountain View 
12x9 oil on raymar canvas

I painted this on location at Cottonwood Meadow Lodge in Utah.  The distance mountains are the beginning of Red Canyon and Bryce Canyon. It is a beautiful part of the country and worth a visit.
This is available for purchase. $250.00



The rich texture of the weathered old barn wood was an important part of this painting. I’ve always enjoyed painting aging wood structures like this.

Other artists often ask how I achieve these effects of weathered barn wood and I have finally put all my methods and techniques into an instructional art video.

The video covers every stage of the painting process, filmed live as I start with a blank canvas and proceed step-by-step through the various stages to a finished piece.

The process is so simple any artist can do it on their first try.

Think of all the possibilities this opens up to you. You can use these techniques to paint old weathered barns, handmade wooden fences, ancient wood buildings and lots more.

In fact I even include a gallery of other paintings in this video to keep you inspired.

It’s a short video; just a bit over ten minutes. But it’s PACKED with all my secrets, tips, techniques and procedures to achieve these effects.

And you can use these methods again and again with fresh results every time.

(Running time 10:39) $11.00
Click this button to order the video and get started today.
Buy Now

Thanks for looking.
Tom Brown

"Allium Obliquum" Original Palette Knife Painting by Hallie Kohn Art

My parents told my husband and me about the most awesome gardens called Northwind Perennial Farm in Burlington. We took our boys there one afternoon and had an amazing time exploring the paths through the different gardens and ponds. There were huge golden frogs, plants galore, antiques, geese, donkeys, chicken, swallow nests--lots of little places and things to explore for two little boys and a great place for us too. 

I took plenty of photos that day and was of course drawn to these awesome yellow alliums--had to look them up to learn their name. Loved the little purple flowers scattered behind them, with their contrasting color, shape, and size. So, I might just turn into an allium collector, or at least see how many different varieties I can paint!

8x10 Oil on Panel

VISTA/04 by Kim McAninch

12" x 12"
Oil on 2" Cradled Panel
For Sale
This is  the latest in my VISTA Series.
"While working within the reference of landscape, I am expanding the horizon lines and distance.  My goal is to offer more information with the avoidance of detailed descriptions, moving towards abstraction and allowing for imagination."
Please visit my blog  to view more of my work or contact me.
I would love to hear from you.  In fact, it would make my day.  

Burlington - view from King Road

36 inches x 48 inches
Palette knife painting in oil
by Canadian Artist Tammy Hext

"Altitude Gain II" Palette Knife Aspen Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

     11x14 Oil on Canvas

     Palette Knife Impressionistic Aspen Landscape Painting

    To purchase, contact Judith at

     To see more of my work, visit

      My daily blog:

Appaloosa in the Wind, Contemporary Horse Paintings by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Appaloosa in the Wind 
24 x 30 Oil on Canvas 

Okay, this painting is a favorite horse painting. It is on my business cards.  If you feel in your heart that you are drawn to it's beauty and spirit, you can find it at  Mirada Fine Art .  Visit with Steve Sonnen the owner and learn more about this beautiful painting. 

Good Morning Lord, This is your Day, I am your child, Please show me the way.
A favorite song of Lady L. She taught it to me a few years ago.
 It is part of my morning wake up as I face each day. 

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm107:1

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist

Pace Studio 
Graphics One Design


Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 40, project 125 Lone tree and rock wash painterly painting BECKY JOY

tree and wash painting
© 2013 Becky Joy    Day 40, Lone Tree   oil    6 inches x 6 inches    $125.
Click here to purchase.

Today is another difficult day with my daughter. I painted this morning and also started my next book or most probably a dvd about color. I've been going through notes that I have gathered together over several months and organizing my thoughts. Right now, it is an outline and where I will start. A couple more days and I can start video taping some. I've had so many people ask me about dvd's and especially about color. It's time to start working on it. It will be more intensive than the last book that I put together, because it is a complicated and sometimes difficult subject to understand.

Today, while I was painting this painting I was think more about color itself and how I use it. The range of colors in this painting is in the blues and greens with a little bit of orange and red, which is a split complementary. The complementary colors red and orange are just used as an accent. The painting seems colorful, but it is a small range of colors, but it does harmonize very well.  I softened the background with my brush to knock it back, giving more aerial perspective.

I will be taking off real soon to go back to my daughter's house to make dinner for everyone and to have dinner myself for tonight. Back to the painting tomorrow.

How to Create Better Paintings E-Book $14.95.

Click to Preview and purchase

book graphic single

Becky Joy

Original oil painting Angus Cow portrait by Karen Tarlton

Angus Cow
Sold on commission

If you would like your own custom painting 
view more of my work or contact me on Etsy.
Lovely eyes on ol Bessy :)

"Reclining Thoughts" Palette Knife Aspen Tree painting by Niki Gulley

“Reclining Thoughts” ©2013 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 48" x 36” textured oil painting on wrap around canvas

Just Sold! In this painting, I wanted you to you to experience the wonderment of looking up into the treetops – just like you did when you were a kid. Lying on the ground, not a care in the world, you gaze in wonderment as the clouds drift by. Choosing playful colors and thick chunky staccato strokes add to that childlike whimsy and I hope you are transported back to a happy, carefree time and place.

For more information on my textured palette knife birch and aspen tree oil paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

Or, visit to see more of my contemporary landscape paintings.

Palette Knife Landscape, COLORS OF THE MARSH by Carol Schiff

The sun is quickly sinking below the horizon and within minutes the colors of the marsh will disappear.

Purchase here
119 + shipping
 My goal here was to suggest the beauty and colors of the marsh in late summer.  I wanted to use plenty of texture and thick paint to do so.

I really love the gallery wrap canvases from "The Edge".  I like the chunky shape of this small 8x8" with the 1.5" depth that gives this small painting more presence.

Thanks for reading my blog today :)

"Ponies in The Wind" Original Palette Knife Landscape Painting With Horses by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock


 18x36 Oil on Canvas/Available

 Original Palette Knife Landscape Painting With Horses

 To purchase, contact Judith at

 To see more of my work, visit

  My daily blog:

Winter White Wolf Contemporary Wildlife Palette Knife Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Winter White Wolf 
24 x 30 inches Oil on Canvas.  

Visit to view more of my work

Harvest, a palette knife painting of Grapes by Judy Mackey


12" x  12" x 1.5", Oil on Canvas

Ripe grapes hanging off the vines.

If you are interested in purchasing "Harvest", please email me at  If you like my work, leave me a comment, share this blog with your friends and "Like" me on Facebook at Judy Mackey Artist - Thank you!!.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Oak Hill" By Northern California Artist Mark Bidstrup

With a view down into the valley this oak tree stood out on path that drops off very quickly. I did a couple of paintings from this location using the same format.

6" x 8" oil on Panel.  Unframed and shipped at $130.00

Please contact me at if you are interested in this painting. (gallery inquiries are always welcome!)

Visit my Blog at: for more examples of my work.

Thank you!!!

Texas Star, Flag of Texas painting by Judy Mackey

"Texas Star"
20" x  20" x 1.5", Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Currently on display at The Dutch Art Gallery in Dallas, TX.

Received a phone call late last night from the Gallery that the Texas Star flag painting is out on "loan" to a prospective buyer who will see if the painting will fit in their spaces.  Fingers crossed.

I suppose this is good business practice and galleries who have good relationships with their collectors will sometimes let the collector take it home to see how the painting will do in their homes/offices/lighting/spaces etc.  This may lead to a sale of course but the best part of it is that the buyer will then be a very satisfied buyer. 

I painted a couple of Texas flags in this manner.  It isn't meant to be a torn flag but rather an unfinished painting of just the center of the flag in a rippled, shadowy look with the edges fading into a black background.

Keep your fingers crossed ♥

If you are interested in purchasing "Texas Star" or one similar,  please email me at  If you like my work, leave me a comment, share this blog with your friends and "Like" me on Facebook at Judy Mackey Artist - Thank you!!.

House with a View by Artist of Texas, Sheri Jones

House with a View
8x10 oil on canvas

This house was our view from the log cabin we stayed in. We vacationed in southern Utah, visiting Bryce Canyon and Zion National parks. We stayed at Cottonwood Meadow Lodge and found inspiration and every turn. This was in the late afternoon and was a joy to paint.
This is available for purchase. $225.00

KISS by Pamela Blaies

Green Grapes
5" x 7"
oil on linen panel

The elegant shape of this bunch of grapes is what drew me to them. The long stem just adds to the charm. I challenged myself to find the right balance between detail and abstraction so that they would remain convincing, but not too literal. Starting with a large flat bristle brush (size 10), I painted an abstract underpainting - pretty much simple color shapes. Right away I could tell I liked the flow of the shapes on the canvas. I went to a size 6 mongoose flat brush and added a little more detail, being careful to step back often to see it from afar. Then I got my knife out to work on the stem and highlights. Such a simple composition, but it is probably my favorite piece this month!  BTW - I translate KISS as "Keep it Simple Silly" stupid is a bad word in our house:)

I love to share my art and inspiration. Click HERE to sign up for my email newsletter and receive a free gift of postcards.

Sun Bathing Buffalo by Texas Artist Laurie Pace, Contemporary Wildlife Palette Knife Painting

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Sunbathing Buffalo 
24 x 36 inches Oil on Canvas.  

Here is another stunning painting in Colorado!  Visit Mirada Fine Art and talk with Steve Sonnen the owner. Mirada has a broad collection of Laurie Pace’s signature equine paintings.

The weather is finally a bit cooler from the 100 degree plus days... down to the low nineties. It will
not stay long, but we will enjoy it as it is.  This weekend is more birthdays for us to celebrate. So studio time will not be had until Monday.  I have been putting off a new painting for my youngest grandson, Mark Edward, who is about 5 months old now.  I promised them a painting for his nursery and have had something in mind and will be starting on some sketches pretty soon. I will share my process as this will NOT be a contemporary piece, but an impressionistic painting that I hope he will have with him throughout his life. 

Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice. Psalm 112:5

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist

Pace Studio 
Graphics One Design


Mountain Yellow" Original Aspen Tree Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock


16x20 Oil on Canvas/Available

 Original Aspen Tree Landscape Painting

 To purchase, contact Judith at

 To see more of my work, visit

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 39, Drifting white clouds plein air oil landscape painting by BECKY JOY

cloudy sky painting 
© 2013 Becky Joy     Day 39, Clouds      oil    6 inches x 6 inches    $125.
Click here to purchase.

 Hi everyone,
I didn't paint yesterday. I had a family situation come up and went to my daughter's late on Thursday night. Yesterday I spent the whole day there. She has been having a difficult time lately. She has three children, has been going to school full time, 4 years and now starting her last year. This summer she has been going through a divorce which, like a lot of cases, hasn't been easy. She needed my help yesterday, so I put the paints and computer away and went over there to help. Everything is better, but we are all tired. My oldest grandson is off to football camp in CA now (his second year of varsity as a sophmore and a great kid). The next one, a young teenage girl has been off doing girl things with a friend, each staying overnight at each other's houses (and last night I took them to the movies). The youngest girl who will be in the third grade has just been playing with her neighborhood friend, back and forth to each others homes. All is well there and now all is well with my daughter. I cleaned, made dinner and took some pressure off of her for the day.

So, on to my painting today. I took it easy today, went out on my back patio and painted the passing clouds, a peaceful scene. I also gathered four paintings and frames that I will be shipping off to the Good Art Company Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX. That was the extent of my day and I don't think I'll be making up the painting I missed yesterday. In the scheme of things, big deal. I may have one or two less paintings.

Join me for an exciting experience in
June 7 - 14, 2014
Book before Aug 31 for a discount. Click here for details.

Have a good weekend and I'll talk to you all tomorrow.
Becky   Joy

How to Create Better Paintings
Using Foundational Concepts

$14.95. Click here for info

"Colorful Quartet" Original Palette Knife Landscape Painting With Horses by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock


30x40 Oil on Canvas/Available

Original Palette Knife Landscape Painting With Horses

 To purchase, contact Judith at

 To see more of my work, visit

 My daily blog:

Original oil painting Paris Love Eiffel Tower by Karen Tarlton

Paris Memory

Paris Romance
Brand  new urban vision of Paris in Love. These original oil paintings have a unique combination of color, texture, and modern perspective.
Paris Memory sold in minutes after listing, but the larger one I just finished and listed!

Poppy Fire by Texas Artist Nancy Medina

Poppy Fire
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel

Poppy Fire is the newest daily painting in Flower Mound Studio, as I continue to navigate these new waters as a full-time artist and a former corporate employee. Every now and then I still wake up at 5 am with a panic attack, thinking of the annual meeting in October (which I no longer have to attend), the quarterly Board of Directors reports (which I no longer have to compile), and the hours ahead sitting frozen in a chair, counting the minutes until I can be back in my studio. Read more...

Crowning the Hill featured at Mirada Fine Art ~ Contemporary Horse Painting by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

48 x 48 Oil on Canvas

If you are in Denver…THIS IS A MUST!  Go to Mirada Fine Art and visit with Steve Sonnen the owner. Steve has a broad collection of Laurie Pace’s signature equine paintings as well as buffalo and more. This contemporary piece is one of the larger ones with close to 10 or 12 layers of paint 
all applied with a Palette Knife.

Terry has the kitchen back splashed sealed as of today. I hope to get some pictures to share soon.

Each morning we spend time together before breakfast with a 'new' tradition for us that we began when we moved into this home in late March.  My mom gave us this wonderful book entitled Jesus is Calling and it has a daily meditation in it along with companion bible verses.  Between that and the wonderful book idea that Pastor Jack shared on Celtic Prayers, we read our morning prayers with the meditation.
Most mornings the readings prompt a heart felt discussion as we eat and play Chinese Checkers. 
Yeah, this morning he won two games to my one, but the joy is not in winning but in playing and enjoying each other's company.  He plays chess, but Chinese Checkers is as good as it gets for me!

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist

Pace Studio 
Graphics One Design


Friday, July 26, 2013

"Coming Together" Textured Aspen Tree oil painting by Niki Gulley

"Coming Together" ©2013 Niki Gulley
textured oil painting on gallery wrap canvas • 40" x 30"

In this painting I wanted you to feel that child-like wonder of staring up in into the treetops and the heavens above. Choosing calming greens against a lavender-blue peaceful sky and arranging the two main aspens so that they meet in the middle, suggests a feeling of togetherness. While organizing the outlying trees in a circular pattern and using thick, curving, bold orange brushstrokes, creates a joyful, playful mood.

Web - • E-mail - Niki Gulley

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