Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 18, Project 125 Meadow Lake Rd, Oregon plein air painting by BECKY JOY

© 2013 Becky Joy     Meadow Lake Rd, Oregon      oil on panel    6 inches x 6 inches      $125.
Click here to purchase.

Day 18 now. I went out early this morning to beat the heat, but instead I spent most of the day out painting, not too surprising! I started the morning driving out in the country. I just turned on a road that looked interesting. I drove down several roads, finding one that had several old farm homes and barns. I spent an hour or more photographing, some while driving. Thank goodness they weren't busy roads. The problem with country roads is that there aren't many places to pull off and park. I then turned down a road with a familiar name, Panther Creek. I knew it was by my sister's old farm.

As I drove I got deeper into forest and I could tell I was heading toward the coast. I stopped when I saw an old abandoned farm house with some big trees and the remnants of an orchard and the plus, there was a place to park. (The painting is below) I almost finished the painting when a man and his high school age daughter stopped to see what I was painting. We talked and he gave me some history on the house. It was his grandmother's house and had been vacant for about 20 years. He lived across the street on part of the family farm. The farm had been in the family for generations and was the old stagecoach stop on Panther Creek from McMinville to the coast.

We also got to talking when I told him that I stopped on Panther Creek, because it was near my sister's old farm. I told them she was a teacher in Carlton and said her name. The daughter asked if she was the one with 3 Chinese daughters in high school. Yep, that's her and with two older kids that are grown. The girl had been a student of her's and she now was in high school with the younger girls. The father then said, "You know there are some Henry's around here." I said both he and his brother lived here, so there are others in the family. I said I knew I was close to there place.

When I left and went out to the next cross street I could see the name of the road, Meadow Lake, the road my sister lived on. I drove about a mile down the road and there was their house up on the hill with the field and oak trees. It has been a good 15 to 20 years since she moved. Strange, I was driving all these roads I didn't know and landed up right there. Anyway, I had to stop along Meadow Lake and paint on the road. The result is the top painting. It was HOT by then!

© 2013 Becky Joy    Panther Creek Stagecoach Stop    oil    14 inches x 11 inches

Talk to you tomorrow,

Blue Lake Benbrook by Artist of Texas, Sheri Jones

Blue Lake Benbrook
9x12 oil on canvas

I took a small detour on my way to work one day and found this peaceful spot. I have returned here often and find inspiration every time.  It is constantly changing with the moving light and seasons. I loved all the contrasting colors I found on this fall morning.
This is available for purchase. $250.00

Fair Winds Poppy and My Grandpa Poppy the Baseball Player by Nancy Medina

Fair Winds Poppy
by Nancy Medina
Palette Knife/Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

 The evenings I stay with my Mom she is often watching the baseball games, waiting for the Cardinals to make an appearance. Her Dad, my grandfather "Poppy," (John Dobby) was a pitcher for the St. Louis Browns, the farm team (practice team) for the St. Louis Cardinals, when she was a little girl. Read more...

"Mt Impressions" Original Palette Knife Mountain Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock


 11x14 Oil on Canvas /SOLD

 Original Palette Knife Mountain Landscape Painting

 This paintings is SOLD, but commissions are welcome.

 Contact Judith at

 Visit to view more of my work.

 New paintings are posted daily at

Contemporary Horse Paintings Old Red by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Old Red 
24 x 24 inches Oil on Canvas. SOLD 

I bet you could spot this one... it is a favorite palettes. Painted this contemporary Horse during a severe thunderstorm with tornado warnings. The power was off but I worked by afternoon light and candles.  It sold pretty quick. It was highly textured underneath the layers of oils.

I feel that way sometimes... highly textured between the layers of life. Always watching for those 'tornado' warnings in life. God has that knack of curve balls and big winds.

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist
Golden Pond Studio


97, 98, Pamela Blaies

Citrus and a Mason Jar
9 1/4" x 7 5/8"
oil on panel

I am excited to announce that my Petite Painting Project - 100 Paintings in 100 Days is almost complete.  In celebration of posting the 99th Petite Painting, I am putting "Citrus and a Mason Jar" up for auction today with a petite starting bid of just $99.  This painting is all about reflections and light. Citrus colors add warmth to the cool composition.

I love to share my art and inspiration. Click HERE to sign up for my email newsletter and receive a free gift of postcards.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 17, Project 125 Oregon, Home Grown by BECKY JOY

© 2013 Becky Joy    Oregon, Home Grown     oil 6 inches x 6 inches     $125.
Click here to purchase.

Today, I spent a lot of time at home, cleaning my car (that was a job), on the computer, and doing nothing. I went out painting late in the day. I had seen this little overgrown place along the highway. I always like those unkept places with more character. I was drawn to the variety of color in the foliage and the house peeking out from the bushes. It had an old rusted tin roof which certainly adds to the character. In the foreground their were some  ferns and all kinds of weeds growing. Some of the colors in the foreground were picked up in piles with the brush and layed on like a palette knife.

Tomorrow I think I will get out early. It is hot for this area in the afternoons.

I would like to find out from some of you what you would want me to teach you if you were taking a workshop from me.

Talk to you all tomorrow.


Click here to watch a VIDEO of this scene. 

I painted this at one of the sites where I’ll be teaching a Plein Air Workshop soon. The Workshop starts in 2 weeks! Beginning on July 13 for 5 Saturday mornings we’ll paint at a variety of locations in Orange County, California.

Email me for details if you want to join us. A few spots are still open.

We always have a great time, and there’s NOTHING like getting out in the fresh air and sunshine to enjoy Nature and paint with other artists.


Thanks for looking.
Tom Brown

"Wild Flower Hike" Original Palette Knife Floral Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock


  24x8 Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas/Available

  Original Palette Knife Floral Landscape Painting

  To purchase, contact Judith at

   To see more of my work, visit

   My daily blog:

Moon Garden White Tulips and a San Diego Workshop by Nancy Medina

Moon Garden White Tulips
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

Moon Garden White Tulips is the newest daily painting in Flower Mound Studio, and is a cadmium orange tribute to the 105 degree temps in Dallas, Texas today! You're invited to cool off with some ocean breezes and join me for my first California flower painting workshop in sunny San Diego, November 15-17, 2013, and seats are already filling up. I'll be inviting my students to see some of my favorite cottage gardens on Coronado Island one afternoon after class. A visit to San Diego would not be complete without crossing over the bridge to this charming town where the annual flower show competition is taken even more seriously than football in Texas, and roses are the size of dinner plates. Put a little joy in your brush and let's make brilliant flowers bloom in oils in the land of sunshine!

Contemporary Horse Paintings Mid Morning Get Away by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Mid Morning Get Away
 Oil on Canvas. SOLD 

Pretty sure this was last year as well. 2012 was a busy year of painting. 
God has blessed me with this gift and it is something incredible each and every morning. This contemporary horse painting was filled with chunky paint that was knifed on. A bit different than my other pieces.

Thank Him for your gifts. 

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist
Golden Pond Studio


Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 16, Project 125 Oregon Barn Painting by BECKY JOY

© 2013 Becky Joy    Oregon Barn 1908     oil     6 inches x 6 inches   $125.
click here to purchase.

This morning I met with Ramona Youngquist, an Oregon painter just living down the road from my family, to go painting. I followed her to an old abandoned farm that she has been painting at since last spring. There were so many paintings there. The views were fantastic and the old house was great. I told her it looked like a "Romona" house. This painting is about texture and shapes. The composition, obviously is simple. I loved the bright yellow-green moss and the peeling paint.

Below are a couple more painting from today. The view, a lot of wineries around this area. In fact, this piece of property was bought by one of the wineries.

© 2013 Becky Joy   Turn of the Century House    oil 8 inches x 10 inches

© 2013 Becky Joy     Farm Tree      oil     11 inches x 14 inches


Hood River, OR 1 day plein air  Sept 4 I just had a cancellation for my Mississippi workshop Nov 3 - 5
Tuscany, Italy   June 7 - 14, 2014

Talk to you tomorrow.

Easel Notes Blog
Project 125

Iris Garden Shadows by Artist of Texas, Sheri Jones

Iris Garden Shadows
9x12 oil on canvas
 This is from a beautiful garden I visited in Granbury. This house is across the street from our art center and I couldn't resist visiting the homeowners. I was grateful with a complete tour of their home and garden. It's  a work in process and a beautiful creation. I especially loved the blooming irises.
This is available for purchase.

Poppies XI by Kim McAninch

Poppies XI
6" x 6"
Oil on .5"  board
For Sale

Please visit my blog  to view more of my work or contact me.  
I would love to hear from you.  In fact, it would make my day.  
You might also like:

Summer Dance Red Geraniums by Flower Artist Nancy Medina

Summer Dance Red Geraniums
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel

After carefully checking for wayward tree lizards, I brought a pot of these red blossoms in from my garden to paint tonight. The last time I brought a batch of geraniums in to paint, I carried a large pot of them to the Dutch Art Gallery in Dallas for a workshop there, only to discover a teeny baby lizard had hitched a ride. The entire class screeched to a halt as we built the little guy a mobile terrarium, and the hubby drove him back to our garden and placed him beneath our pear tree in the back yard. None of us could really focus on painting until we received a call letting us know baby lizard was safe and sound. I do think he lived on to proliferate, judging from the dozen lizards who now live on our deck puffing out their chins at one another, competing with one another for the spot on the fence that gets the most sun. What a delight it is to have a job now, that allows me to see this little lizard drama, this summer dance, each morning before going into the home studio, instead of an office. Just one more reason I am so thankful to be a full-time artist!

"Mountain Magic" Original Palette Knife Aspen Tree Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

 18x36 Oil on Canvas/Available

 Original Palette Knife Aspen Tree Landscape Painting

 To purchase, contact Judith at

  To see more of my work, visit

 My daily blog:

Contemporary Horse Paintings Journey by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

 Oil on Canvas. SOLD Commission 2012 

This was a beauty that went to live in Australia.  Sometimes I want to negotiate visiting rights with my paintings... and this one I would love to go visit.  This contemporary Horse painting began with a blue layer of acrylic paint and the overlay of oils came next.

We all need a good foundation in life to have a positive overlay of experiences.  Trust in God with all your heart and 
do not rely on your own insight.  
He is your foundation and Jesus is your cornerstone. 

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist
Golden Pond Studio


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 15, Project 125 Oregon Trees, A Green State by Becky joy

day-15 oregon trees
© 2013  Becky Joy      Oregon Trees, Greens    oil    6 inches x 6 inches  $125.
Click here to purchase.
If you have never been to Oregon to see the variety of greens, I'm sure you've heard about them. Oregon is a very green state, in more ways than just the color. This is from the back deck of my parents place. I ran around doing errands today and visiting some friends, so there wasn't a lot of painting time. (I'll have to make more tomorrow.) I came home and started painting at about 5 pm.

 This painting was really about the greens and showing the subtle differences and varieties. The foreground tree was really the only one in light. The trees are in a ravine with the weeds going down the hillside. The grasses are starting to dry out and turn a warm color. Besides just using color to indicate distance, I used brushstrokes, larger brushstrokes in the foreground and the large diagonal stroke on the left grass to indicate the direction of the land.
The photo of the tree.

Tomorrow I plan on meeting a painting friend and get out in the area. So talk to you all tomorrow.

Becky Joy

"Grandma's Vase" By Northern California Artist Mark Bidstrup

Old vase with lime. Study in greys and greens. I don't always paint on primed masonite boards, but they certainly are a value and I do like the way the paint application goes on.

To see\purchase my work send me a email at and\or visit my blog:

8" x 6" Oil on masonite panel..$175.00. Shipped within the US free of charge.

Thank you!!!

Contemporary Horse Paintings White Wind by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

White Wind 
Oil on Canvas. SOLD 

As I was reposting some of the sold contemporary Horse paintings from 2012, I realized I use wind often in the names... not sure why this one was called White Wind as there does not appear to be movement of wind in the background.  Sounds like a repaint might be in store.

Are there times you would like to 'repaint' a situation or words you have spoken. I know I have regrets on several occasions.  I am pretty careful about not hurting people's feelings with hurtful words in anger, but there have been times that I just simply gave in to my frustration. It takes a lot to push me to that edge, but unfortunately I have not just fallen off but jumped off.  Apologies and forgiveness is the only route, but I have NO IDEA what to do when they are not accepted.

I pray for you that if you have miss-spoken that you will find it in your heart to ask for forgiveness and the person offended will be gracious enough to forgive and realize we are just human and sometimes we are all pushed to that point of hurt. 


Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist
Golden Pond Studio




Preview my new video on how to paint DAZZLING SUNSETS:

Thanks for looking.
Tom Brown

Original oil painting Portrait of a Cat by Karen Tarlton

Cat Portrait

I've been neglecting this pet for awhile now
because of my dog commissions of late
but I love the stare a cat
and only a cat
can give you :)

Purple Potted Petunias by Floral Artist Nancy Medina

Purple Potted Petunias
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel

Purple Potted Petunias is a new daily painting on the easel in Flower Mound Studio, based on the flowers cut from my garden this afternoon. One of my workshop hostesses sent me a whole CD of photos from my Lees Summit class this past week. I found many interesting photos there, including one of me in a Jerry Springer moment. I'm not sure exactly what was occurring here, but it is very clear that I was out of chocolate, or some other dire crisis was under way... Visit my art blog today to see the artist-zilla having a moment on TV!

"The Way To Your Heart" Original Palette Knife Sunflower Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock


  12x12 Oil on Canvas/SOLD

  Original Palette Knife Sunflower Landscape Painting

  This paintings is SOLD, but commissions are welcome.

   Contact Judith at

   Visit to view more of my work.

   New paintings are posted daily at

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cashmere Bouquet by Artist of Texas, Sheri Jones

Cashmere Bouquet
10x8 oil on canvas

This was a quick study from my garden.  My goal was to catch the changing light.  These unusual flowers are a nice addition to my garden and I love painting them. This is available for purchase. $200.00

Poppies X by Kim McAninch

Poppies IX
10" x 8"
Oil on cradled panel
For Sale

Please visit my blog  to view more of my work or contact me.  
I would love to hear from you.  In fact, it would make my day.  

Day 14, Project 125 McMinville, OR Church Plein Air Painting BECKY JOY

© 2013 Becky Joy     McMinville, OR Church     oil   6 inches x 6 inches    $125.
to purchase click here.

McMinville, OR is a nice friendly old town south of Portland. My parents live her and my sister a few miles away in a neighboring small town. I was drawn to church by the shapes and the darker tower against the light of the cloudy sky. There were very few shadows from the sun, at least really noticable ones. So, it was more about shapes and subtle color differences in the painting. I also added a little more intense color in the tower to bring your attention to it.

I went to the post office today and while there drove around taking photos of the old houses. I used to do a lot of pen and ink drawings of the old homes in Oregon City years ago. When I would take my kids to some art classes there when they were little, I wondered about drawing while waiting for them to finish the classes. I wasn't painting a lot at that time, but occasionally I would paint one in watercolor which is what I was working with at the period in time.

Upcoming Workshops:

Phoenix, AZ  Oct 3 - 5
Hood River, OR  Sept 4
Tuscany, Italy June 7 - 17, 2014
Korcula Island, Croatia Sept 14 - 24, 2014

Talk to you all tomorrow with #15,

Mini Hopper painting by Ann Gorbett

Mini Hopper, After Early Sunday Morning
3" x 5"
Oil with a palette knife on canvas board

To read more about this mini painting, visit my blog Thanks!

Sunny Days Container Garden and a Missouri Workshop by Nancy Medina

Sunny Days Container Garden
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canavs

Class Demonstration

Sunny Days was my class demonstration at my Lee's Summit, Missouri workshop yesterday morning. Connie Turner's Art Studio, our hostesses beautiful domain, had a yard filled with potted plants in full bloom, so we brought the outside IN and created our very own container garden. This was the charter class for Connie's place, and it was a honor to teach such a talented group of ladies. We painted sunflowers, hollyhocks, and red geraniums, feasted on lunch spreads and desserts (evidentiary photographic documentation provided here) and giggled and painted every day, sometimes simultaneously because we gals, we can multitask like that. This class in Lee's Summit, Missouri, filled up so quick we've created another one for next October - You can sign up and join us below. For you St. Louis ladies who were with us this weekend, I'll see you gals for another sold out workshop in two weeks to teach for the Greater St Louis Art Association! Turn the thermostat down to 68 and warm up your brushes in my home town and I'll see you under the arch!

My class demo...on steroids!

Picture This by Janice Tingum

Picture This
7.75" x 9.75" 
Palette Knife Painting
Oil on Linen Panel

Greece Art Trek with Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley and European Photographer Scott Williams

Day 6 - Greece Art Trek:  Fira and Wineries
12" x 9" oil painting by Niki Gulley

On the sixth day of our Greece Art Trek, the sky darkened and the winds picked up so we decided to paint in a more sheltered spot. So setting up on our balcony, we chose to paint a vignette of the white-washed stucco and simple architectural lines and curves. At a couple of points, we even got some soft sunlight to give our subject subtle highlights and shadows, which we painted quickly as the light was quite fleeting. 

That afternoon, we weren't about to let the drizzle spoil our day so we made the most of the the situation and went wine tasting! One of the local wineries overlooked the caldera, so we not only sampled some delicious Greek wines and munchies but also with the rain letting up, took in another amazing view.

Wine tasting on Santorini.

Next summer we will be leading an Art Trek to Paris and Provence, France so if you've always dreamed of painting, photographing and sightseeing during lavender and sunflower season in France, and following in the footsteps of Monet, Van Gogh and Cezanne, please join us for this amazing trip! Details will be coming soon on

Please check out my website at to see more of my contemporary impressionistic paintings.

E-mail - Niki Gulley

"Moments To Remember" Original Palette Knife Aspen Tree Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock


 10x10 Oil on Canvas/Available

 Original Palette Knife Aspen Tree Landscape Painting

 To purchase, contact Judith at

To see more of my work, visit

 My daily blog:

Contemporary Horse Paintings Into the Light by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Into the Light 
 Oil on Canvas. SOLD at Mirada Fine Art Denver 

This one was a growing thought over many years. Painted once back in 2004 from a photo I had.. I revisited it with my knife. I painted it by brush the first time, pretty realistically in fact. It lives in South Dakota and is well loved. I hope this one that sold last year at Mirada is loving its new home as well.  Horses on the move, constant motion, sheer power and energy. Pushed by the wind, the breath of God.


Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist
Golden Pond Studio


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 13, Project 125 Painting Oregon farms by BECKY JOY

© 2013 Becky Joy       Oregon Farme, Trees and More Trees      oil   6 inches x 6 inches   $125.
Click here to purchase.
I finally made it to my destination in Oregon late last night. It was a light, typical rain almost all through my drive in Oregon.  I slept in this morning, but did get out for a short time later in the day. In this scene I was attracted to the clouds that enveloped the top of the mountain and of course, the green field.

Everything is pretty green right now, and a nice, pleasant temperature. It will be heating up by the end of the week, sounds like record temps to me. I visited with family today and will be seeing friends and more family while I'm here. I'm a fourth generation born in Oregon City (my son was a fifth). You can imagine that I have a lot of relatives here. It's funny every time I come up here, I'm struck by how green it is, certainly compared to the desert. Summers are perfect in the Northwest.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to start getting out and doing a little more plein air, hopefully early in the morning. You'll see what I see tomorrow.

I still have space in my one day workshop in Hood River, OR on Sept 4 during the plein air event that I will be judging. Check out the details here.

I'll be here tomorrow.

Day 12, Project 125 Susanville, CA Barn plein air painting

© 2013 Becky Joy    Susanville, CA Barn      oil      6 inches x 6 inches    $125.
Click here to purchase.

I didn't get out of Lake Tahoe until almost 11:00. (I had to stop by the post office to get something in the mail that was overdue, oops!) Anyway, got my work done and posted my painting from the night before.

I remember Susanville from years ago going through there on the way to Reno from Oregon. I don't know why it has always stuck in my mind, but I do love those old barns and farms. In this barn I got a great shot of an old truck, which is below. I'll have to paint that later.

It was afternoon by the time I got in Susanville. I was struck by the beautiful blues of the mountains. That blue always seems indescribable in paint. It's kind of an ultramarine & colbalt combination. In this painting I placed the light of the sky against the dark of the barn, adding a little yellow and cad red to the white, just a tiny, tiny bit. I very seldom use a pure white in a painting and only sparingly.

Upcoming Workshops:

Hood River, OR  1 day plein air Sept 4, click here for info
Carmel, IN  3 day plein air Sept 24 - 27, click here for info
Tuscany, Italy June 7 - 17, 2014, click here for info
Korkula Island, Croatia  Sept 14 - 23, 2014, click here for info

Talk to you all later,

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