Palette Knife Painters Network

If  you are considering becoming a member of The Palette Knife Painters Group, or if you are already a subscribing artist, this is the network your work will be promoted from:

And this is not in any order at all, so make sure to work through it all!!!! Good stuff may be listed at the end :-)

1. The Palette Knife Painters Blog - Upload paintings created either fully or partially using a palette knife, as often as you wish, to the Blog.
Your name and image will be linked to your personal website in an alphabetical list on the Meet Our Artists page.
Your Blog/s will be featured as one of The Blogs We Like on the Home page.
A Slideshow of PKP members' uploaded paintings will be uploaded every fortnight and promoted thoroughly on Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, Pinterest and various Facebook Pages and Groups.
The Slideshow will be kept on the Previous Slideshows page for posterity.

2. Painting and Art Sales Facebook Page - You may send me at least two images per week, with their For Sale links, for me to upload to the following Facebook page:

3. Voluntary participation in the Painting Progression Facebook Page – Details (Images and text) of your paintings-in-the-making, emailed to the Palette Knife Painters Blog administrator, whenever you wish, will be uploaded to the Painting Progression Facebook Page.

4. Participation in the Art Bloggers Facebook Page - The Palette Knife Painters Group Blog, as well as artists' own blogs, where relevant, will be posted on the Art Bloggers Facebook Page. In other words I will post the Palette Knife Painters Blog up every week and members are also welcome to send me their freshly written blogs at least once a week if they wish, for me to upload to the page.

5. Facebook Posts. Admin Friends all Members on Facebook and shares their images whenever possible.

6. Paintings On Impulse Blog - The administrator of the Palette Knife Painters Blog has a fairly high readership for her personal Paintings On Impulse Blog and uploads all the Image Slideshows to that blog.

7. The Palette Knife Painters Facebook Page - Upload there as often as you wish. This page was created by our Founder, Judy Mackey.

8. Online Artists Facebook Page - Run by our very active member, Carol Schiff. To join this site please go to the link below. Once a week the gallery of images shown in our weekly Slideshow is uploaded to Online Artists with the kind permission of Carol. It's an incredible platform to be part of.

9. The Palette Knife Painters Worldwide Facebook Group - As a full member you can post images here, post paintings up for sale, and upload slideshows and videos whenever you wish. The videos/slideshows of The Palette Knife Painters images are uploaded here as well. Also note that each member has their own Photo Gallery within this Facebook Group so viewers can easily find their favourite artist's paintings. It would help us all if you were to share other member's work as well.

10.  Palette Knife Oil Painters Facebook Page - Run by our valued member, Arlon Rosenhoff. To join this site please go to the link below. Once a week the gallery of images shown in our weekly Slideshow is uploaded to Palette Knife Oil Painters with the kind permission of Arlon. It's an incredible platform to be part of.

13. Admin belongs to an automated Tweeting programme (see link below) and the Palette Knife Painters' Blog is tweeted about 20 times each and every day.

Try Tweet-Eye's Free Plan Now for Targeted Social Selling

We are happy to report viewership to members' work to be in the double thousands monthly!

To apply to become a Subscribing Artist to this platform, please email Lynda at with the addresses of your website and/or blog.

Lynda Cookson

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