Tuesday, December 31, 2013

"Budding Artists" by Hallie Kohn Art

Two of my girlfriends gave painting lessons to their daughters as Christmas gifts, and guess who the teacher was? Me! The girls were charming and so great to be around. They did awesome and even got to do some of the painting with palette knives--I was so impressed. 

She Wore a White Dress With Roses, a True Story by Nancy Medina

She Wore a White Dress With Roses
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

One of my father's favorite stories was about the night he and my mother (who were just courting at the time) went to a dance hall in St. Louis to hear a live band play and dance the night away. My mother worked as a secretary for a law firm and still lived at home with my grandmother and grandfather. Every pay day she would go out and buy herself a new outfit. Read more...

White Rose Medallions and an Exercise in Freedom by Nancy Medina


White Rose Medallions and Ranunculus
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel
White Rose Medallions was a celebration, a class demonstration and an exercise in color freedom. The year is almost done, 2014 is right around the corner, and it's amazing how quickly time is going by now. I can remember when I was a child writing the year 1976 with my number 2 pencil in cursive on a lined notebook page for school. And feeling that that date was important, significant, the bicentennial of our country. The year 2013 was the half century celebration of my life. I am officially in my 50s, and in 2013 made the biggest decision of my life. Read more....

"Falling Leaves" Original Palette Knife Aspen Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

  9"x12" /SOLD

  Original Palette Knife Landscape Painting

  This paintings is SOLD, but commissions are welcome.

  Contact Judith at lododuo@aol.com

  Visit http://judithbabcock.fineartstudioonline.com to view more of my work.

Day Six in Progress Painting of Jumping Horse by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

© G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Day Six in progress Horse Painting
4  x  6 Feet  Oil on Canvas. SOLD 

Took a break early today as I blocked in the rest of the horse. I am still refining different areas and allowing the color to take shapes.

The Sixth Day of Christmas

Six Geese A-laying

The six days of creation that confesses God as Creator and Sustainer of the world (Genesis 1).

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist 


© Graphics One Design 2014

Monday, December 30, 2013

"Sonoma Barn" by Northern California Artist Mark Bidstrup

Painted plein air on a spring day outside of the town of Petaluma in Sonoma County. One of my favorite areas to paint in the spring.

6"x8" Oil on canvas Panel. $250.00 unframed. Shipping included.

Please contact me at m_bidstrup@yahoo.com if you are interested in this painting. (gallery inquiries are always welcome!)

Visit my Blog at: http://markbidstrup-paintings.blogspot.com/ for more examples of my work.

Thank you!!!

BOAT/07 by Kim McAninch SOLD


11" x 14"
Oil on .5" Stretched Canvas 

Please visit my links to view more of my work or contact me.  I would love to hear from you.  
In fact, it would make my day.

SOLD ~ Winter Mix Peonies and Oranges and a January Workshop by Nancy Medina


Winter Mix Peonies and Oranges
by Nancy Medina

Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Winter Mix Peonies and Oranges is the newest painting in Flower Mound Studio, and my January workshop is coming up soon! Students are coming from South Carolina, Louisiana, Kansas, and Texas so I am planning a batch of extra special donuts for the travelers in the group. Although with the new Market Street (*sound of harps*) opening in Flower Mound, the pastries might be even fancier, if they survive the half hour trip in the car from home to the final destination. You may recall that tragic moment last year when I had the donut box open enroute, just to do a quality assurance check, of course,, and the whole box slid into the floor when I had to hit my breaks. Whomever said there is no crying in painting clearly never suffered the loss of an entire box of warm donuts.

My January workshop still has some seats open, so come on out and join us. Put a little joy in your brush and let's paint brilliant flowers together and ring in the New Year, while we're at it!

January 9-11, 2014

Painting Brilliant Flowers

9 am to 4 pm
Irving, Texas

New Tuscany Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley

“Spring's Escape," Tuscany ©2013 Niki Gulley
24" x 24" textured oil painting on wrap around canvas

Inspired by our travels to Italy, cypress trees rise out of the vast open landscape signaling that you have arrived in Tuscany! Perched on a hilltop with its long curving driveway, this villa is set against the perfect backdrop for a romantic escape. Rows of soft wheat sway in the breeze and draw your eye back to the rolling hills and beautiful billowing clouds. Painted with palette knife and thick oil paint, this canvas is loaded with movement, color and dimension.

"Spring's Escape" and several of my contemporary impressionistic landscapes are also on display at the Good Art Company Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX. For more information, please contact http://www.goodartcompany.com/gac/.

Or, to see more of my palette knife contemporary landscape paintings, visit nikigulley.com.

For more information on my plein air paintings and workshops in Italy and France, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

"Neigh Neigh Territory" Original Palette Knife Abstract Horse Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock


 Original Palette Knife Horse landscape Painting

 To purchase, contact Judith at lododuo@aol.com

 To see more of my work, visit http://judithbabcock.fineartstudioonline.com

Day Five Progression Painting of Horse Jumping with Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Day Five Progress Painting Horse Jumping 
4 x 6 Feet Oil on Canvas. SOLD 

The energy is really popping out as I work. Music is humming along in the room and it feels good to be painting a piece this large. There are a lot of empty tubes of paint hitting the trash.

On the Fifth Day of Christmas 

Five Gold Rings

The first Five Books of the Old Testament, known as the Torah or the Pentateuch: 1) Genesis, 2) Exodus, 3) Leviticus, 4) Numbers, and 5) Deuteronomy, which gives the history of humanity's sinful failure and God's response of grace in the creation of a people to be a light to the world.

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist 


© Graphics One Design 2014

Sunday, December 29, 2013

"Frank" Original Oil Palette Knife Painting by Hallie Kohn Art

This painting was commissioned as a Christmas present.

You know what my favorite thing about doing pet portraits is? Well, there are two actually. One is how much the owner truly loves the pet. It is always so clear how much the animal is loved. The second thing is how much the eyes seem to convey of the animals spirit. My number one goal is always to try my best to get those eyes right because they truly are windows to the soul.

9x12 Oil Palette Knife Painting

Original oil painting Times Square New York by Karen Tarlton

Times Square New York

It's almost 2014 - Wow!
I always think of Times Square and remember
so many great moments with family and friends in the city!

"Aspen Todo" Original Palette Knife Aspen Tree Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock


 Original Palette Knife Aspen Tree Landscape Painting

 To purchase, contact Judith at lododuo@aol.com

 To see more of my work, visit http://judithbabcock.fineartstudioonline.com/

Day Four Painting Progression, Abstract Horse Paintings by Texas Artist Laurie Pace

  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Day Four Horse Painting Progression
4 x 6 Feet Oil on Canvas. SOLD 

Today I took on the head of the horse trying out different color palettes.The paint is exciting now because of the thick build up occurring.   As you can see, I wear gloves when I paint. I also have an air cleaner going in the room.

On the Fourth Day of Christmas

Four Calling Birds

The Four Gospels: 1) Matthew, 2) Mark, 3) Luke, and 4) John, 
which proclaim the Good News of God's reconciliation of the world 
to Himself in Jesus Christ.

Laurie Pace
A Texas Artist 


© Graphics One Design 2014

Looking Forward to 2014 by Pamela Blaies

September Reflections
20" x 16"
oil on linen

Taking a break from the studio to spend time with my family over the Christmas holidays has been rejuvenating. It may seem a little early to begin thinking about spring, but I'm already getting excited about planning my schedule. I received invitations to exhibit in the Bayou City Art Festival Memorial Park in Houston, Texas and Southlake Art in the Square and I'm thrilled. They both rank at the top of the list of the best fine art festivals in the United States. I'll be participating in a few group exhibits this spring as well. Looking forward to the new year!

I love to share my art and inspiration. Click HERE to sign up for my email newsletter and receive a free gift of postcards.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

"Lambeau" Original Oil Palette Knife Painting by Hallie Kohn Art

Lambeau was commissioned in October as a Christmas present. I was a bit nervous about doing his chain, but it turned out really well I thought. Love the dappled lighting too. I think this painting shows the spirit of a very well-loved companion.

8x8 Oil Palette Knife Painting

SOLD ~ Cherry Blossom Percher - Red Cardinal Painting by Nancy Medina


Cherry Blossom Percher
by Nancy Medina

Oil on Archival Panel

I took a little break from peonies this evening to paint one of my favorite visitors to Mom's feeder, the red Cardinal. Each time I arrive at the farm in East Texas, the first thing I do is refill the feeders and replenish the woodpeckers with homemade suet. The horses always stand at the fence and snuffle and whinny until I give them each a big bite of the peanut butter infused suet. I think this is their absolute favorite treat.

Day Three Progression Painting, Contemporary Horse Paintings by Texas Artist Laurie Pace


  © G.O.D. Laurie Justus Pace      Graphics One Design 2013

Day Three Progression Horse Painting
4 x 6 feet Oil on Canvas. SOLD 

There truly is excitement for me as an artist at this point in the painting.  You have three layers beginning to work together. You are constantly reminded of life and the weave of experiences in our every day existence.

On the Third Day of Christmas...
Three French Hens

The Three Theological Virtues: 1) Faith, 2) Hope, and 3) Love 

(1 Corinthians 13:13)

Poppies in Provence No.1 palette knife painting by Marion Hedger Oil on panel,

Poppies in Provence No.1 by Marion Hedger
Oil on panel,
12x12cm (approx 4.5"x4.5")
Palette knife painting
My website here
My Joy of Colour daily painting blog

Last week my escape from winter was the sunflowers of Provence. This week it is the poppies. I have completed four paintings in the last couple of days - admittedly small ones but it meant I could squeeze in some painting time.
They are all of the sameish? (is that a word!) scene as my larger painting "Scarlet Poppies".

Close-ups of the knife work

I will post the other three paintings over the next few days.

"Shrine Pass" Original Palette Knife Colorado Landscape Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

                                           9x12/SOLD Palette Knife Landscape Painting

                                     This paintings is SOLD, but commissions are welcome.

                      Visit http://judithbabcock.fineartstudioonline.com to view more of my work.

                        New paintings are posted daily at http://judithbabcockartist.blogspot.com

Friday, December 27, 2013

"Tulip Whimsy in RED" Original Palette Knife Tulip, Flower Painting by Colorado Contemporary Artist Kimberly Conrad

Kimberly Conrad Contemporary Artist

 Red Tulip Whimsical Painting, 10"x8"x1.5" Gallery Wrapped Canvas-Palette Knife, Thick Paint

 I had an urge to bring the palette knife back out,this painting was a fun little piece done at Christmas, while watching the snow flurries from my window in my new studio!!

 $150.00/ $12.00 Shipping

 Click HERE to purchase.... Visit http://KimberlyConradFineArt.com to view more of my work.

Pink Peony Solo and a Gift for You by Nancy Medina

Pink Peony Solo
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel

I've been painting a plethora of peonies in whites and pinks this holiday season, and brainstorming ways to say thanks to everyone who has walked with me on my art journey this year. This has been my first year as a full time artist, and the excitement, enthusiasm and energy of my students, collectors and friends has been an unexpected benefit of this new job of mine. As my thanks, I've already given away two original oil paintings on my Facebook fan page this month. But I've saved the biggest giveaway of the year for last - visit my art blog today to find out how you can enter and win!

New Sunflower Palette Knife Painting by Texas Artist Niki Gulley

“Surrounded by Sunshine" ©2013 Niki Gulley
24" x 12" textured oil painting on wrap around canvas

Inspired by our travels to Provence, I painted these cheerful sunflowers with extremely thick oil paint and palette knife so that the resulting image leaps off the canvas and is loaded with energy, color and texture.

"Surrounded by Sunshine" and several of my contemporary impressionistic landscapes are also on display at the Good Art Company Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX. For more information, please contact http://www.goodartcompany.com/gac/.

Or, to see more of my palette knife contemporary landscape paintings, visit nikigulley.com.

For more information on my plein air paintings and workshops in Italy and France, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

Big Guy by Kay Wyne

Big Guy
30" x 30" Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Contemporary Palette Knife Painting
Contact Kay for purchasing information.
Thanks, KMW

"Three's A Charm" Original Palette Knife Abstract Horse Painting by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

    Palette Knife Landscape Painting With Horses

    This paintings is SOLD, but commissions are welcome.

    Visit http://judithbabcock.fineartstudioonline.com/ to view more of my work.

    New paintings are posted daily at http://judithbabcockartist.blogspot.com

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas Peonies by Flower Mound Studio and Nancy Medina Art

 Hearts of Gold Peonies
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel

It's a quiet Christmas eve in Flower Mound Studio, the footheaters are keeping everypuggy warm and toasty, the hubby is on the couch with Hannah the Pug nearby, and I'm getting ready to fix a coffee with Caramel creamer to keep my brushes going strong until midnight. My senior pug, Java, got to open a present early tonight, his new orthopedic mattress, which he immediately dove into, rolling about and expressing his appreciation with snorfley noises and his own little gray faced smile. I have so much to be thankful for this year, to have a loving family and awesome husband, sweet little four footed helpers who make me laugh every day, a DREAM job I love as a full-time artist, and having my Mom nearby. I hope you have a peaceful holiday planned with loved ones close. May all your fondest wishes come true, and may your mocha coffee always have extra whippy creme in 2014!


Merry Christmas to you from the
Medina Foster Home for Wayward Pugs!

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