16"x20" oil on linen mounted on museum quality panel
"So many people work in arenas that discourage creativity. In fact, society as a whole attempts to persuade us not to consider an independent creative lifestyle as a wise choice. Nevertheless I guarantee that, whatever your chosen field, art will enrich your life."
- Kevin Macpherson
Glad to be back to painting & blogging! I've been away to Florida, and brought my mom up to CT for a week-long visit. I was determined to make it a memorable trip for her. She flew back home yesterday, and I promptly returned to my studio to work on a commission- I can hardly wait to show you - more on that later!
Over the last year or so, I've had many people ask me about my "impasto technique". The quest to achieve this "lushness" that so greatly appealed to me began many years ago.
Over the years, I had this feeling I wanted more paint on the canvas, but I wasn't sure how I wanted to go about doing that. I was going through Kevin Macpherson's book, "Landscape Painting Inside & Out" and there was one section called "Ten Outside Painting Challenges" - all were helpful - but #6 was "Paint by the Pound". He suggested the following exercise - use a 9x12" panel, squeeze out an entire tube of white onto your palette, as well as a half tube each of red, yellow, & blue. USE IT ALL on this one panel! The lesson he's trying to get across is that most students never put out enough paint. It is one of the best learning exercises - and truly an "ah-ha" moment. You might not continue to use all this paint in every work you do, but you will learn to free yourself from "stinginess" with the paint.
Back at that time (when I tried Macpherson's exercise) I was using brushes, and I had tried them all, flats, brights, filberts, and then.....rounds!!! I did find I could lay down more paint in the manner I found pleasing, with round brushes. Eventually, I gave the palette knife a try - inspired by Leif Nilsson's beautiful work. I had seen Leif's work in magazines for years, but when I finally saw it in 'real-life', I knew there was the path I'd follow! So I gave the knives a try for a year or so....and eventually, I had the good fortune to study with him (last summer) and it made all the difference in what I was seeking.
I know when you first pick up a palette knife to paint with, it feels so WEIRD! But, if you start to think of it like frosting cupcakes, you eventually get the hang of it. You know how if you don't get enough frosting, or you press too hard with the knife - it tears up the top of the cupcake? But if you lighten your touch, and have enough frosting on there it works..and you don't want it too watered down either, or else it will run off the sides of the cupcake instead of sitting up there nice & yummy looking. So that's the analogy. I also found over time that the bigger & more flexible a knife you use, that can make an easier time of it too. I still mostly use 2 medium-large sized knives for the small paintings - one with a pointy tip and one with a rounded tip. For really huge paintings (for me that's anything over 20" in any direction) I use what looks sort of like a trowel, but it's actually a painting knife.
The other thing that I REALLY love about painting with a knife is that I find I waste less paint. Yes, you do use a lot...but it's going on your canvas (or whatever ground you're using). It's ideal for plein-air as the clean-up is so much easier. Wipe off your (one single) knife, instead of tons of brushes! AND you don't need to carry flammable solvents or mediums!
I hope this helps! I am interested in putting together a workshop using these methods! Please let me know if this interests you!
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HI Roxanne-Great post. I love your cupcake analogy. I often feel as if I am frosting a cake when painting with my knives. I remember painting in art school I felt like I could never get enough paint on my brush, I always wanted to paint thick. I feel much freer painting now and also love the easy clean up and not having to carry around solvents etc..