Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wildlife Art, Small Oil Painting "Just Ducky", 6x8" Oil

Don't you just love wildlife art?  These two ducks are having a fine day....a nice little swim, maybe a little conversation.  Life is good!

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This is from an image, several years ago in the Blue Ridge Mountains.  I always think of these ducks as "Ebony and Ivory".  Thank you Michael Jackson!

The lake is surrounded with trees.  If you have ever been in the Blue Ridge Mountains during the is everywhere you look!  So on this day, the water was a gorgeous turquoise and the shadows were absolutely an emerald green.

  Fall in the mountains is really my favorite time of year in my favorite place.  Pumpkins and scarecrows are every where, reminding me of years gone by.  We go to the apple orchard and get fresh apples, apple donuts, apple pie, apple fritters.....well, you get the idea.  But, the best part are the gorgeous mountains covered in shades of orange, red and yellow!  I love getting up every day and running to the window to see how the trees have changed from the day before.  I cannot wait!

What is your favorite season and place?  The seashore in summer, skiing in winter?

Make it a great day!

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