Saturday, January 4, 2014

Cinnamon and Tulle Red Party Dress Painting by Nancy Medina

 Cinnamon and Tulle Red Party Dress
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

Cinnamon and Tulle Red Party Dress is the newest bit of haute couture in Flower Mound Studio this week, as my dress collection expands! My first year of college, the counselors all said to take a variety of courses in everything you are interested in before deciding on a major. Having drawn the female figure and dresses for most of my adolescence, I decided to dip my toe into Fashion Merchandising 101. I loved the field trips to Market in Dallas, seeing the models who towered over we normal folks with their ultra thin, ultra long arms and legs and their clownishly exaggerated makeup for the bright lights and cameras. And the idea of being able to see all those floors and floors of clothes before they ever made it into the stores was a bit of heaven on earth! Today I went to the book store and found some awesome second hand books on drawing the female figure, and fashion from the 1950s. It's like Fashion 101 all over again in Flower Mound Studio!

 The dress code tonight in the studio is formal!

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