Friday, January 17, 2014

Tickled Pink Peonies and a Workshop Surprise by Nancy Medina

Tickled Pink Peonies
by Nancy Medina


Oil on Archival Panel

Tickled Pink Peonies is the daily newbie in Flower Mound Studio, finished in about an hour this evening. Next on the easel: a new design for my 29 Dresses Collection! Tomorrow morning my monthly art newsletter hits the stands with the name of the winner of a full day's private lesson. Thank you so much to everyone who entered! With over 250 notes and entries to read, it was tough to pick just one winner. Fortunately, I'll have a bunch more giveaways coming up over the next months, so don't despair if you didn't win this time!

I'm really excited to announce the addition of a special bonus lesson during my February 14-16 workshop in Irving, Texas. In addition to painting brilliant flowers together each day, I'm inviting my students to bring their favorite dress photo, whether it's your wedding picture, your daughter's prom picture, a christening gown, or whatever your heart desires. On the third day of class, I'll share with you a simple, fun way to create a painting of your favorite dress you will love for years to come, a memento to make your romantic heart go pitty pat! Put a little joy in your brush and join me for three fun days - Click here for the scoop!

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