Monday, February 3, 2014

First Love White Roses by Nancy Medina

First Love White Roses, 16X12, oil, another late night in the studio, fortified by hot chocolate with marshmallows...

 First Love White Roses
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel

First Love White Roses is the daily newbie in Flower Mound Studio, posted a day in advance since I'm at Mom's this weekend. I love to create a bouquet and then let it overflow off all sides of the canvas. Even if we can only afford a few fresh flowers, we can add as many as we like in our paintings! I picked up a batch of fresh delphiniums and white roses this weekend, and couldn't resist adding one more little mug to my glassware collection. This is its painting debut, but I'm sure you'll see this one appear plenty more times in the coming weeks.

Detail from First Love

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