Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Earth Child Sunflowers and Ripples Across the Pond by Nancy Medina

Earth Child Sunflowers
by Nancy Medina

Class Demonstration
Oil on Archival Panel

Earth Child Sunflowers was one of my class demonstrations in North Texas recently, created quickly with my 3/4 inch flat $1.50 brush, the one brush I use for almost every painting in Flower Mound Studio. How I love these brushes! I received a note this morning from a collector who lives in a village near Leeds, in the United Kingdom, just north of London. She was kind enough to share a picture of her region when I asked (I am ALWAYS wanting pictures of the English countryside!) and the breathtaking skyline of Whitby, quaint orange buildings along a riverfront with the ruins of a gothic abbey along a clifftop in the distance, once featured in Bram Stoker's Dracula! Read more....

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