Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 46 Road View Painting and new online workshop BECKY JOY

© 2013 Becky Joy    Day 46, Road Vista      oil      6 inches x 6 inches   

I'm getting into the swing here of painting in Colorado, but then there is that afternoon rain to contend with. I got up early to go to Rocky Mtn National Park to paint some mountains. I finished an 8x10, started another, then the rain came.  So, after driving around a bit, I went down to Lyon and Longmont and painted trees. I finished this painting, started another and had to pack it up when the rain came again. I think Janet Anderson and I will stick close to home tomorrow so we don't have to get up so early and to also avoid some of the afternoon rains in the mountains.

I got some great photos of clouds today. The 8x10 painting is mostly clouds with a little mountains. I video taped the painting process for my next online workshop which will be released in about a week. The unfinished tree that I started has enough color notes so that I can continue it from a photo. The big ol' cottonwoods are just wonderful to paint, love em.

The response to my online workshop video that I released last work has been great. I've gotten several emails of thanks. But, I want to thank all of the artists that purchased from me. It started a little rocky with me uploading a video in the wrong format, not everyone was able to download it. But, I did get a new copy to everyone and remade the video in a different format. So, all is well now and thank you everyone for your patience. I also made a change at the suggestion of a viewer. She said she would like a copy of the reference photo to download. I now have the reference photo that I used in the video and the supply list as pdf's for all to download. That should make the experience even easier.

I plan on having 2 videos uploaded each month. For several months I have been organizing an online workshop with several videos of concepts to package together as a more complete workshop. Once I have finished videoing all of the segments, I will offer the package workshop for sale. But, I need to be home more to make the videos.

I'll talk to you all tomorrow,

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