Saturday, May 3, 2014

Iris and Ranunculus and a French Painting Retreat - Flower Paintings by Nancy Medina

 Iris and Ranunculus
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel

Iris and Ranunculus is the newest daily painting in Flower Mound Studio. I have so much news to report I'm not quite sure where to begin, so I'll start with the most exciting of all - you are invited to join me for my first official painting workshop in France! I'll be posting registration information in the next few days on my Web site workshop page, so don your beret, slice up some fromage, and get your workshop scheduler handy because spots in class will be first come, first serve, for a small group with plenty of one on one time. We will be staying at the absolute best place to paint in France, we will be eating yummy French food made by a chef, and we will be pampered and adored and treated to an all inclusive dream come true retreat.

As I type up this report to you, the hubby is in the living room with his new Rosetta Stone app, practicing important French words such as "more croissant please," "may I have more cheese on that?" and "where is the bathroom pronto?" Carlos will be traveling with me, he is so very good at carrying heavy things so he is quite indispensable. I told him if he truly loves me, he will also take a pastry making class while we are there. Stay tuned here to my art bloggy for the first class announcement, I can hardly wait to paint flowers and images from the French countryside with you in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

The studio models take a bow and a dip!

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