Friday, August 31, 2018

Small Seascape, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, "Churning", 6x8" Oil SOLD

This small seascape is a study for a much larger piece.  The only question in my mind is "How large?"

I am very happy with the understated color which makes the brighter hues really pop.  I am not sure if it would be call an abstract or impressionistic.......what do you think?

What I do know, I really enjoyed painting it and want to try it again and go BIG!

Thanks for reading my blog today.

"Newfoundland" by Carrie Jacobson

My final painting in Newfoundland - Port-Aux-Basques. I’m glad to be heading home, though sad to be leaving such an amazing place.

"Newfoundland" by Carrie Jacobson

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Tropical Fish Painting, Florida Wildlife Painting, Palette Knife Painting.

This is another fish painting from my coral reef series.  Are you bored with this series yet?  I still have a few to post before moving on to another subject.

purchase here
 Another fish painting.  Don't ask what kind of fish it is, I don't know.

I do know I am enjoying these palette knife paintings immensely.  I have been so intense about my brush work, that I had ignored the palette knife for months.  Now that I am working with it again, I am enjoying the freedom it brings.

Thanks for reading my blog today.

Carol Schiff

"Seeley's Bay" by Paula Formanek

What's on my Easel?? ...
Today I'm painting outside in my garden ... it is hot and humid but there is a nice breeze from the lake.

I painted this one on location in Seeleys Bay last summer ... plan to finish it today, working with oil and knife on canvas 🎨 ... A happy Wednesday to everyone!

"Seeley's Bay" by Paula Formanek

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

"Nocturnal Breaker" by Southern California Palette Knife Artist Garry Abel

12" x 16" Oil on Canvas

To Purchase this painting, contact Artist at

Garry is a member of:

Orange County Fine Arts Association

"Crystal Cove Shop" by Southern California Palette Knife Artist Garry Abel

12" x 16" Oil on Canvas

To Purchase this painting, contact Artist at

Garry is a member of:

Orange County Fine Arts Association

"Catching the Wind" by Southern California Palette Knife Artist Garry Abel

12" x 16" Oil on Canvas

To Purchase this painting, contact Artist at

Garry is also a member of:

Orange County Fine Arts Association

"Little Corona del Mar Canyon" by Southern California Palette Knife Artist Garry Abel

16" x 20" Oil on Canvas

To Purchase this painting, contact Artist at 

Garry is a member of:

Orange County Fine Arts Association

"Sunset Palm Trees" by Southern California Palette Knife Artist Garry Abel

11" x 14" Oil on Canvas

To Purchase this painting, contact Artist at 

Garry is a member of:

Orange County Fine Arts Association

"Monet's Garden Giverny" by Southern California Palette Knife Artist Garry Abel

 12" x 16" Oil on Canvas

To Purchase available paintings, contact Artist at 

Garry is a member of:

Orange County Fine Arts Association

Urban Jungle by Southern California Palette Knife Artist Garry Abel

16" x 20" Oil on Canvas

To Purchase this painting, contact Artist at

Garry is also a member of:

Orange County Fine Arts Association

Palette Knife Painters Group Images 30 July to 12 August 2018

Pet portrait by Judy Mackey

Commissioner liked the painting. Will be packing it up and shipping in a day or two.

A memorial.

By Judy Mackey

Three paintings by Paula Formanek

Yesterday I 🎨painted🎨 these 'magical' flowers from memory ... from my recent hikes in the Czech Forest ... When I was there, they were in bloom, providing colour and 'energy' in forest clearings ... 'Enchanting Gloves' - oil with knife on canvas, 20 x 26 cm ... Wishing a happy day to everyone! ...

"Enchanting Gloves" by Paula Formanek 

'A field of Passion', oil with knife on panel, 28 x 36 cm ... this is one I started in Europe and recently brought home ... just completed yesterday. My love for poppies goes back to childhood when I ran through the fields and helped my grandmother pick them ... she would dry them and then submit to state pharmacy ...

"A Field of Passion" by Paula Formanek

This one, started several months ago after I came home with some tulips ... itching to get back into a little painting today after down time with the flu ... A WIP, thick oil on panel 🎨 ...

"Tulips" by Paula Formanek

"Tucked In" and "Beacon at Dusk" by Arlon Rosenhoff

Tucked In
24” x 28”
Palette Knife Oil 

 "Tucked In" by Arlon Rosenhoff


Beacon at Dusk
23” x 31”
Palette Knife Oil 

"Beacon at Dusk" by Arlon Rosenhoff

"Weminuche Wilderness" by Cynthia Bowers

"Weminuche Wilderness"
16 x 20 oil on canvas

A friend recently introduced me to the beauty of the Weminuche Wilderness in Colorado. This doesn't begin to do it justice, but had to try it.

"Weminuche Wilderness" by Cynthia Bowers

Self Portrait by Judy Mackey

Just Me. I'm going to submit to the Dutch Art Gallery, Dallas, TX for their self-portrait show in September. Reception will be September 6th from 5pm to 8pm.

Self Portrait by Judy Mackey

Monday, August 27, 2018

Colorful whimsical animal paintings by Karen Tarlton - bear, owl, cow palette knife fine art impressionism in oil

I love painting colorful, whimsical animals of all sorts.
This new favorite is sold but available in print now.

Colorful Bear

Palette Knife Colorado Landscape Painting "Prairie View" by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

      9"x12" Palette Knife Oil Landscape Painting

      $275.00/ Click HERE to purchase.

      Original Palette Knife Landscape Painting

      My daily blog:

   Judith Babcock Fine Art Gallery
   Boarding House studio Galleries
   220 East 7th Ave, Studio #2
   Denver, Co 80203
   By Appointment:

Playing with Paint, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, 10x10x3" Abstract Oil Painting

Today is gray, foggy and damp, so I decided to post the most fun painting I could find.

Purchase here

You know how I love color and texture and this little painting has it all.

I painted it on a 8x8x3" canvas, so even the shape is unique.  It's chunky and cute and it resides on a bookshelf , where it brightens the whole room.  I cannot help but smile each time I look at it.

The canvas was a mistake.  I did not realize how deep it was when I ordered it.  What could I possibly do with it?  Well, for this painting, I think it is perfect!

Have a fantastic day!

Carol Schiff

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Marsh Landscape Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, "North Florida Marsh" by Carol Schiff, SOLD, 8x10x.75" Landscape

I always enjoy marsh paintings and was very excited to find some wonderful marshes with easy access in Fernandina Beach.  I was unable to paint there, but I took lots of photos and started painting them in my studio.

 The marshes were a combination of green and gold when I visited in October.  I hope to return in March and catch the bright spring green of new growth.

 I would love to see them today,  The winter colors are usually a beautiful mauve.

Thank you for reading my blog today.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Rose Painting, Rose Still Life, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, 6x8" Oil on Panel

Everybody loves roses.  I find them difficult to grow, and to paint.

Purchase here

I used both a brush and palette knife on this piece.  I particularly paid attention to edges.

They say less is more, so I tried to do less and keep it fresh.

Thanks for viewing my blog today.

Carol Schiff

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Original Palette Knife Mountain Landscape Painting "Rocky Mountain Symphony III" by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

 24"x36" Oil on Canvas

 Original Palette Knife Mountain Landscape Painting

 Click HERE for more info.

   Judith Babcock Fine Art Gallery
   Boarding House studio Galleries
   220 East 7th Ave, Studio #2
   Denver, Co 80203
   By Appointment:

Baby's First Beach Day painting palette knife fine art impressionism by Karen Tarlton

“The sea is your reflection; you are looking at your soul.” ~ C. Bandelaire

Baby's First Beach Day

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Red Sky Painting, Sunset Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, 8x8x1.5" Oil on canvas

My friend Kathy Garvey, or maybe it was her brother Pat, took the most beautiful series of photos of a sunset.  The sun is shown in several positions, peeking out from behind clouds, over the ocean.
purchase here

My plan is to do two or three of these as a series, showing the movement of the sun behind the clouds.  This is number 1

My thanks go out to Pat and Kathy, for being to generous with their photos and allowing me to use them as a reference.

Carol Schiff

Landscape by Jim Larimer

Landscape by Jim Larimer

Monday, August 20, 2018

Palette Knife Floral Landscape Painting "Spring in the Rockies" by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock


   Palette Knife Floral Landscape Painting

   36"x18x1.5" Oil on Canvas/sold

    Commissions welcome.

   Judith Babcock Fine Art Gallery
   Boarding House studio Galleries
   220 East 7th Ave, Studio #2
   Denver, Co 80203

   By Appointment:

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Abstract Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, Mountain Walk, 6x8" Oil on Panel

I came back from a walk in the Blue Ridge Mountains, inspired by the bright summer colors.  Flowers were evident around every turn.

purchase here

I love abstract, but find them very difficult.  I have to have a starting point, some type of inspiration, some plan of composition.  Often I end of scraping off hours of work.

This is one of the few that appeals to me.  I felt good about it and still think it conveys the emotions I was feeling at the time.  I mark this one as a success for me.

Thanks for reading my blog today.

Carol Schiff

Friday, August 17, 2018

Original Palette Knife Abstract Figurative Painting, Whimsical Figures, Dancing Women,“With Style” by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

8"x10" Oil on Canvas/Available

Click HERE for purchase info.

  Judith Babcock Fine Art Gallery
  Boarding House studio Galleries
  220 East 7th Ave, Studio #2
  Denver, Co 80203
  By Appointment:

Abstract Sunset, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, Textured Painting, Palette Knife Painting, 6x8" Oil on Canvas

Well, here I go again, another sunset painting!  I think it is my favorite subject matter, and even more so, when it involves water.

Purchase here

What is this fascination I have!

What is your fascination?

Thanks for stopping by today.

Carol Schiff

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Daily Paintings, Small Oil Paintings, Animal and Bird Paintings

I was looking at some of my images and was really surprised to see how many bird and animal paintings I have done.  I thought today would be a good day to post a few of my old time favorites.

Great Blue Heron
250 + shipping

Just Ducky
99 + shipping



It is always interesting and educational to review the painting journey that you have been on.  I like to line up older paintings, chronologically, which helps me to see the improvements I have made and the ones I would like to make in the future.  Always an interesting exercise.

Have a painterly day and thanks for visiting!
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