Saturday, August 31, 2019

"Pink Ballet Shoes" by Lynda Cookson

Now available in my Etsy stores as the original HERE

as instant digital downloads for printing HERE


"Stories to Tell" by Lynda Cookson

Now available in my Etsy stores as the original HERE
the instant digital download for printing HERE

"Stories to Tell" by Lynda Cookson

"Haring Hare" by Lynda Cookson

Facebook reminded me of the "Haring Hare" today. He sold a few years back but I remember so enjoying painting him :-)

"Haring Hare" by Lynda Cookson

Cat Portrait by Judy Mackey

Couldn’t wait to take a proper photo. Latest pet portrait

Cat Portrait by Judy Mackey

Friday, August 30, 2019

"Hercules" by Lynda Cookson

"Hercules" is available as the original painting on board HERE


as an instant digital download for printing HERE

"Hercules" by Lynda Cookson

Original Palette Knife Tuscan Landscape Painting “Cortona,Italy” by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock,Boarding House Studio Galleries,Denver

20"x30"x1.5" Palette Knife Oil on Canvas/Available

Click HERE for purchase info.

   Judith Babcock Fine Art Gallery
   Boarding House studio Galleries
   220 East 7th Ave, Studio #2
   Denver, Co 80203
   By Appointment:

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

"Chicken" by Carrie Jacobson

Already sold to one of my patrons! But there will be more. I’d forgotten how much fun it is to paint chickens. #paletteknifepainting #chicken#easternshoreva #sunflowerpainting

"Chicken" by Carrie Jacobson

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cows paintings by Karen Tarlton palette knife fine art impressionism

Cows, cows and more cows!

"Enchanting Gloves" by Paula Formanek

Hello my friends! I'm happy to tell you that my 'Enchanting Gloves', oil with knife on canvas original 🎨painting🎨 has a new home ... Thank youKingston Frameworks and Gallery!

"Enchanting Gloves" by Paula Formanek

Way Maker by Texas Artist Kathy Baker Mackey

Way Maker
20x20 floater frame

Way Maker was selected for the art en blanc:everything White at 
The Gallery 8680
Frisco, Texas
Way Maker - moving in the midst, light in the darkness, touching, healing, mending every heart.

Opening Reception Saturday, September 7, 2019, 7-9 pm
Instagram @kbmackeyart

Monday, August 26, 2019

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Saturday, August 24, 2019

"Sunflower" by Paula Formanek

What's on My Easel??
My 'Journey', thick oil impasto on birch original 🎨painting🎨 is now available at the Wolfe Island Gallery ... part of my 'Sunflower Series' ...

"Sunflower" by Paula Formanek

"Red Poppy" by Lynda Cookson

"Red Poppy" available on my Etsy shop HERE : Etsy

"Red Poppy" by Lynda Cookson

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Pet Portrait by Judy Mackey

Pet portrait commission drying this evening.
5x5 inched, oil on board.

Pet Portrait by Judy Mackey

Friday, August 16, 2019

Forever With Me by Texas Artist Kathy Baker Mackey

Forever With Me

Instagram: @kbmackeyart

Art should make you feel. It doesn’t have to match your couch. Damali Ayo 

Abstract Palette Knife Oil Aspen Tree, Flower Landscape Painting “Summer Dance III" by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock


    24"x12"x1.5”  Oil on Canvas/Available

    Click HERE for purchase info.

       Follow me on Facebook
       Follow me on Pinterest

   Judith Babcock Fine Art Gallery
   Boarding House studio Galleries
   220 East 7th Ave, Studio #2
   Denver, Co 80203
   By Appointment:


Sunday, August 11, 2019

Friday, August 9, 2019

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

"Fleur" by Judy Mackey

Small abstract floral painting


6x6 inches, oil on 1 1/2 inch deep gallery wrapped canvas

"Fleur" by Judy Mackey

"The Lay-In" by Judy Mackey

My feet series...

“The Lay-In”

6x6 inched oil on board

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Blue / Se7en is the Magic Number

I'm immediately drawn to paintings containing the colour blue. There are so many nuances from dark phthaloblue, bright ultramarine and sky blue right through to turquoise. Blue harmonises with all colours and mixes well with white. I'm a fan of ceruleum blue mixed with a dash of white. Do you have a favourite blue?

by Marion Hedger
Acrylic on canvas
Palette Knife Painting

Keep up with my latest paintings and works in progress
on Instagram @artbymarion

Sunday, August 4, 2019

The Colour Red / Searching for Enlightenment

I love red, but a little goes a long way. It is a hard colour to paint with.

Too much and it's garish, too dark and it can be dull. It is difficult to lighten as adding white turns it pink, and not many reds make a good pink. Adding yellow can lighten it, but this will send it into the orange tones. For me, there is always a lot of toing and froing with reds, to get that shade 'just right'.

by Marion Hedger
Palette knife painting
Acrylic on canvas

Keep up with my latest paintings and works in progress
on Instagram @artbymarion

"Thames River, London" by Arlon Rosenhoff

Did a painting at the Safety Net fundraiser last Thursday. Great organization founded by Molly Allen in Spokane that helps kids that grow up in the foster care system and still need support after they turn 18. Painting was auctioned at the end of the evening with 100% of the proceeds going to help kids. The theme was travel, inspiring kids to try and go out and experience the world, so I did an international scene of the Thames River and London. 

"Thames River, London" by Arlon Rosenhoff

Friday, August 2, 2019

Living in Mystery - using purple

My Impressionist landscapes of Provence always contained purple for the obvious reason. Since concentrating on abstracts, I'm using less purple but it can still be found in a few paintings. 

I find that it's a good foil to the other colours, often setting them off nicely. Green can really be made to pop with an adjacent patch of purple. It can easily be toned down to a purple grey by adding green, and this is enhances yellows and creams.

by Marion Hedger
Acrylic on canvas

Keep up with my latest paintings and works in progress
on Instagram @artbymarion

"Autumn in Galway" by Barbara Lively Mastaglio

"Autumn in Galway" by Barbara Lively Mastaglio

Abstract Palette Knife Oil Poppy Flower Landscape Painting “Summer Dance 1" by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock


    24"x12"x7/8  Oil on Canvas/Available

    Click HERE for purchase info.

       Follow me on Facebook
       Follow me on Pinterest

   Judith Babcock Fine Art Gallery
   Boarding House studio Galleries
   220 East 7th Ave, Studio #2
   Denver, Co 80203
   By Appointment:


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