Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wild Mustangs painting palette knife fine art impressionism by Karen Tarlton

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~ Kahlil Gibran

12x16 "Wild Mustang Horses" ~

"Sparky" by Judy Mackey

A friend contacted me to ask if I had a photo of a painting I'd done several years ago. 


"Sparky" by Judy Mackey

"Enchanting Gloves" by Paula Formanek

This is 'Enchanting Gloves', oil with knife on canvas, 20 x 26 cm, one of many greeting cards in my Spring collection ...

"Enchanting Gloves" by Paula Formanek

Sunday, July 28, 2019

New Orleans painting, palette knife fine art impressionism by Karen Tarlton

This one just listed and is a new favorite cityscape.
I don't often paint this large but every once in awhile.......
I am in the mood to paint big!

New Orleans Starry Night Magic
 Follow me on Facebook

Friday, July 26, 2019

Palette Knife Denver Skyline Landscape Painting "City -O-City" by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

    Palette Knife Oil Painting

   30"x48" Oil on Canvas/Available

    Click HERE for more info.

   Judith Babcock Fine Art Gallery
   Boarding House studio Galleries
   220 East 7th Ave, Studio #2
   Denver, Co 80203
   By Appointment:

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Small Oil Abstract Paintings in Orange

Generally when I talk to people at trade fairs, there is a misconception that small paintings are quick to do. For me it's quite the opposite, unless I am doing a limited time trial to loosen up. Often there is just as much planning and thought in these small paintings as in larger paintings and per square inch, there can actually be more time involved. It's very satisfying completeing a series of small paintings although coming up with good compositions for all of them can be challenging.

Here are two more from my new series (10 in all) this time in orange colourways.

15X15cm (6x6")
oil on box canvas
15X15cm (6x6")
oil on box canvas

Keep up with my latest paintings and works in progress
on Instagram @artbymarion

"Mixed Posy" by Lynda Cookson

It seems to be the case that orders shipped to South Africa can take up to 3 months to arrive!!! And orders shipped, from France, to Australia, can take more than a month! Sigh ... sadly out of the sender's control :-( This is a little thank you gift sent to a buyer in Australia who had to wait about 6 weeks for "The Big Pink" painting she had ordered to arrive .... here's "Mixed Posy" ...

"Mixed Posy" by Lynda Cookson

Etsy shop for original paintings :


Etsy shop for instant downloads of paintings and photographs :

"Bitter End" by Arlon Rosenhoff

Bitter End
19” x 26” 
Palette Knife Oil 

Friday, July 19, 2019

Miniature Treasures Oil Abstracts

At the moment, I use acrylic on most of my abstracts, but sometimes I get the urge to dive into thick luscious oil paint. I think there is just something about digging your palette knife into thick oil paint and laying it on the canvas. I created a set of 6x6 inch paintings on deep canvas as an antidote to some of the larger paintings I had been painting. Some were in reds and others were in oranges.
Here are a couple of the red ones.

15x15cm on box canvas 

15x15cm on box canvas 

All my Miniature Treasure range can be seen here  

Keep up with my latest paintings and works in progress
on Instagram @artbymarion

Palette Knife Denver Skyline Landscape Painting "City Flower" by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

    Palette Knife Oil Painting

   12"x24" Oil on Canvas/Available

    Click HERE for more info.

   Judith Babcock Fine Art Gallery
   Boarding House studio Galleries
   220 East 7th Ave, Studio #2
   Denver, Co 80203
   By Appointment:

Autumn Vineyard painting palette knife fine art impressionism by Karen Tarlton

"As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life." - John Lubbock

This new landscape is a tapestry of color.
24x36 "Autumn Vineyard Afternoon Light"

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

New Work by Marion Hedger on Etsy.

For the last two years I have been ignoring my Etsy shop while I concentrate on my new direction of abstracts.

I've always had good sales on Etsy, and now I am revitalising it with some of my abstracts and gradually sprucing it up with better photos.

At the moment I have concentrated on adding my smaller format art on paper and on box canvasses. I have also added a some self-print files where you can download electronic version of my art to print at home for your own use.

Pop over to my Etsy shop and have a look. Your feedback will be valued.

Works on Paper available here. Ready to frame, with a white mount, for a standard 24x30cm frame.

Oil canvas abstracts available here.

Digital Prints available here

Keep up with my latest paintings and works in progress
on Instagram @artbymarion

Monday, July 15, 2019

"Poppy" by Paula Formanek

What's on My Easel??

Another poppy ... thick 🎨oil🎨 with knife impasto on birch ... part of my 'Little Gems Series' ... Have a wonderful week everyone! ...

"All About Rocks" by Paula Formanek

'All About Rocks - Bow Falls, Banff', oil with knife on birch, 28 x 36 cm .... part of my 'Canadian Impressions' Series ....

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Breathing Mountain by Marion Hedger, Award

Breathing Mountain
by Marion Hedger
Acrylic and mixed media
80x80cm on 4cm box canvas

I was thrilled and honoured to receive an honourable mention in the LightSpaceTime 555 on-line exhibition. Although I didn't make it into the top ten, I did make it into the top 20 in the painting category. Thank you LightSpaceTime for the honour. Click here to see the winners

Keep up with my latest paintings and works in progress
on Instagram @artbymarion

"Just Pleasure" by Arlon Rosenhoff

"Just Pleasure"
19” x 32”
Palette Knife Oil

Friday, July 12, 2019

Living in Mystery

by Marion Hedger
Acrylic and mixed media on canvas
Finished with varnish and 
a layer of wax to give a nice sheen that addes additional depth.
80x80cm x4 cm deep

"The contrasting shapes and differences between the solid and ethereal areas can be used as an analogy of the differences in rock and sky or how life works, sometimes very sure and other times more uncertain perhaps when we are trying new things."

Contrasting paint treatement

This painting uses both flat areas of paint and soft scumbled areas to give an interesting contrast.

I used to be a fan of scumbling when I first started using acrylics many years ago, but haven't done any for while. I used to attack the canvas with vigour using a bristle brush barely containing any paint. It'd take a while to get the right effect using one colour on top of another, but I was often away in the 'zone' and wore down many a paint brush. The beautiful soft effect and colours achieved was worth the time. I couldn't quite get back to the zen part with this painting but I like the ethereal effect which contrasts nicely with the more opaque and trasparent paint areas.

 I still have some of those paint brushes laying about - what can I say, I'm a hoarder.

Keep up with my latest paintings and works in progress
on Instagram @artbymarion

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Taking a Risk

Work in Progress
40x40cm on box canvas

Sometimes you need to take risks to challenge yourself.
This one started in my usual way with large blocks of colour, orange and light blue, and then smaller different blocks of colour on top letting some of the first colour show through.

I looked at it and thought "Why not go for it and drew some thick black lines and a circle . From there it gradually evolved to where it is now going more instinctively. I didn't overthink it and just went with the flow.

I enjoyed myself painting it and I am pleased with how it has turned out so far. Still some work to do, mainly tidying it up and looking at values, but it worked out quicker than many more of my more 'thoughtful' paintings.

Is the motto, "When it feels right, just go for it?"

Keep up with my latest paintings and works in progress
on Instagram @artbymarion

"Sunflower Wind" by Paula Formanek

This is an image of an original I painted in 2018 called 'Sunflower Wind' (sold 2018) ... painted🎨impasto style using thick oil paint and painting knives. See more of my creations on my FB ArtPage: Paula A. Formanek Art or 

Friday, July 5, 2019

Palette Knife Impressionist Aspen Tree Landscape Flower Painting “Aspen Splendor III” by Colorado Impressionist Judith Babcock

 24"x36"x1.5" Oil on Canvas/Available

 Original Palette Knife Flower Painting

 Click HERE for more info.

   Judith Babcock Fine Art Gallery
   Boarding House studio Galleries
   220 East 7th Ave, Studio #2
   Denver, Co 80203
   By Appointment:

Baseball painting palette knife fine art impressionism by Karen Tarlton

As American as baseball and apple pie!
Two new Grand Slam paintings in 8x8 and 8x10.
Hope everyone had a fantastic 4th of July!

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