Monday, December 31, 2018

"Piggy Sam" by Lynda Cookson

"Piggy Sam" would like to wish you all a Fabulous 2019 with Fun, Laughter, Times of Peace, Times of Hilarity, Excitement, Health and an Overdose of Happiness.

"Piggy Sam" by Lynda Cookson

"Three Angels" by Judy Mackey

Work in Progress for the Conroe Art League for an auction in January. Art League artists are painting a 12x12 which will be donated for the auction. A small painting of 3 angels I'd done a while ago seems to be popular on Pinterest so I am resurrecting it for this event.

Flower Painting | Small Oil Painting | Daily Painting | White Bird by Carol Schiff | 8x10x1.5" Original Oil

With this flower painting, I wanted to celebrate the beautiful, but not so well recognized, White Bird of Paradise.  If you live in the sub-tropical areas of the world, you probably see orange Bird of Paradise every day, but the white variety is not as plentiful.

purchase here
150 + shipping
 The interesting thing is that although the flowers are similar excluding color, the plant and leaves are quite different.

This variety grows on a much taller plant.  I have one over 12 feet tall.  The orange plant is lower to the ground and more bush like.

No frame necessary!
Thanks for reading my blog today.


"Moonrise" by Carrie Jacobson

New painting! A non-mosaic version of my recent “Moonrise.” This one is 24x30

Please click through to Carrie Jacobson's website link
which you will find in the right hand column ....

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Lavender Breeze landscape oil painting by Karen Tarlton

A favorite new palette knife and oil work.  I used subtle lavenders and shades of blue grey, winsor yellows and lime green. I again played with the cool against the warm colors and these have great texture too.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Abstract Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, Mountain Walk, 6x8" Oil on Panel

I came back from a walk in the Blue Ridge Mountains, inspired by the bright summer colors.  Flowers were evident around every turn.

purchase here

I love abstract, but find them very difficult.  I have to have a starting point, some type of inspiration, some plan of composition.  Often I end of scraping off hours of work.

This is one of the few that appeals to me.  I felt good about it and still think it conveys the emotions I was feeling at the time.  I mark this one as a success for me.

Thanks for reading my blog today.

Carol Schiff

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Dog painting, Pet Portrait, Commission your Pet Painting, 8x10x1.5" Oil

This is Cocoa.  His lives with his best friend, Louie, here in the mountains.  You may have seen Louie in my previous post.

Their owner, wanted paintings of them, that related to each other.  She supplied me with images, which I used to create the paintings.

Here is Louie, again, just in case you missed my previous post.

Thanks for dropping by today.

Carol Schiff

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A Very Special Day

I hope you all enjoy your holidays and find peace and love in the upcoming year!  I want to thank all my online friends who visit this blog and follow my art.

Our painting group, Pieces of 8, at our fun Christmas luncheon at The Dove. The Dove always makes  it a specal day, they do it right!

Clockwise, Fay on the left, Carmen, Denette Jean, Donna, Me, Mary and Kathy.
Carol Schiff

Monday, December 24, 2018

Best Wishes

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 
An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord...”

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family. May the peace and joy of the season be with you today and always. 


Friday, December 21, 2018

Blue Ridge Church Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, 8x10" Oil Painting

This is one of the many, small, white, churches, found in the Blue Ridge Mountains.  They all have their own charm, and I love driving around in search of them.

Purchase here

The beauty of the red tree, was an added bonus, to my find, but, this is a charming scene, anytime of the year.  It pays to have your cell phone with you!

Have a great day!

Carol Schiff

"Holiday Roses" by Paula Formanek

What's on My Easel?? ...
'Holiday Roses', thick oil impasto with knife on canvas, 30 x 41 cm ... Painted 🎨 a while ago the thick paint has finally 'dried' and today I applied the varnish ... Part of my 'Flower Impressions Series' ...

"Holiday Roses" by Paula Formanek

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

On my Way to Hollywood!, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting

An unexpected, but exciting thing has happened!

Warner Brothers has purchased one of my paintings, for set design in their new movie "Romeo".

The movie is filming now, in Brooklyn, starring Joaquin Phoenix.  I believe it is scheduled for release in the fall of 2019.

I have been so fortunate, as I am currently under contract with CBS, to use two seascapes, in their TV series PI Magnum and Hawaii Five-O.


  I know what you are thinking.........How did this happen?  How did they find you?

Well, both of these contacts were made through my site on Etsy.  I did nothing to attract these offers, other than regularly post on Etsy and maintain a presence online.  It can happen to you too!

Good luck!!

Carol Schiff

"Christmas Stars" by Paula Formanek

My 'Christmas Stars', oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm original painting ... see it now at Mcmahons House of Flowers ...

Please see the right side margin for a link through to Paula's website
"Art with Heart and Colour"

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Monday, December 17, 2018

November Seascape, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, 5x7" Oil on panel

We are back in Florida, to spend the holidays with our family.  It is so wonderful to be back on the coast.

Purchase Here
 Smelling the salt air, hearing rhythmic sound of the waves and screeching sea gulls.  Life is good when you have sand between your toes!

What can be more soothing than the waves rushing to shore?

I have to admit, I don't have the courage to paint on the beach.  This piece was done using a photo I took, during my morning walk.

Have a beachy day!

Carol Schiff

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Seagull Painting, Wildlife Painting, Bird Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting,

I love color, especially all the luscious paint colors available. I decided to shake things up a bit.  I painted with a limited palette of only one red, one blue, one yellow and white.  This was rather confining for me.  To make it even a little more difficult, I chose to paint a scene without much color of any type.

Purchase here
I was pleasantly surprised by the beautifully harmonious results.  The color, in this piece is very subtle, but none the less, I enjoy it!

Jonathan Livingston Seagull lives on!

I will be trying this technique again!
Carol Schiff

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Original Red Hibiscus Oil Painting, Floral Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, 6x8" SOLD

One of the joys  of living in Florida are the almost year round flowers in our landscapes.  Hibiscus is one of the most used here, and with good reason.  They are easy to grow, beautiful and available in many colors and one of the first to bloom in the spring and late in the winter season.

This one is a study in reds.  Elio Camacho states that red is the most difficult color to paint.  When you can paint a "red" painting, you have arrived (in the art world).

This does not qualify as a "red" painting in my mind.  A "red" study usually has several red objects, each with it's own shades of red.


Still, this is good practice.

Elio likes to present his more advanced students with set ups that are all yellow, or blue, or green etc.  It is only the bravest who attempt the dreaded "all red" set up.

Thanks for viewing my blog today.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Tropical Landscape Painting, Daily Painting, Florida Painting, "Conchy Joe's" by Carol Schiff, 16x20" Oil

Everybody loves tropical landscape, especially me!  This painting is from a few years back and depicts a much beloved part of our community.  "Conchy Joe's" was a seafood eatery located on the banks of the intracoastal waterway.

purchase here

The original has sold, but I am pleased to be able to offer a giclee print at the link under the image.

The eatery is still there, but under a new name and for me, much of the charm has been lost.  I am glad I painted this scene, while it was a popular and vibrant location, filled with local memorabilia.

This painting was featured as the Art Works poster art several years ago.

Thank you for viewing my blog today.

It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas by Texas Artist Kathy Baker Mackey

It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas
4x4 Oil
Instagram: kbmackeyart

Monday, December 10, 2018

"Poppy in Fields of Lavender" by Lynda Cookson

I recently had reason to send this little number out as a printable digital image ... and it's so nice to be reminded of the times specific paintings were created in :-) This one looked a little Christmassy ... I suppose the red did it!

"Poppy in Fields of Lavender" by Lynda Cookson

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Abstract Seascape, Daily Painting, Abstract Mxed Media "Sea Rhythm" 6x8" SOLD

The sea is so fascinating to me.  I love the thought of all the life under the surface of the sea....movement as the waves are pulled to the shore, tiny sea creatures burrowing into the sand..........


Jelly fish that look like man-made objects, balloons, or aliens...........

So many interesting and exciting things going on that we are totally unaware of.  All we see is the beautiful surface of the sea.

This piece is inspired by that thought.  The paint is an example of pouring technique, along with texture and metallic elements.  Although the metallic has photographed in a warm color, it is actually silver.  Much experimenting going on in my studio these days. Feel free to pin it!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Pet Painting, Cat Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting

This cat lives at our local art supply store.  My art group, Pieces of Eight, meets there each week, and we spend the morning creating, visiting, challenging.....and then have lunch together.

 Kitty loves to interact with us, jumping in the middle of our paintings, climbing into our art bags, doing her cat thing.  Usually mid morning, she climbs into her favorite sleeping artist browser.  For those of you who don't know, it is a canvas sling, much like a hammock.  That is where I snapped a photo of her, which of course, woke her up.

Can you tell, from her expression, that she seems less than happy with me?  I think I interrupted her nap in the sun.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Carol Schiff
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